Students Laptop & Internet Rules and Regulations for EDCT 2030

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Students Laptop & Internet Rules and Regulations for EDCT 2030 by Mind Map: Students Laptop & Internet Rules and  Regulations for EDCT 2030

1. After Class

1.1. Quietly clean up and leave for next period.

1.2. Return laptops to assigned spot

2. Discpline

2.1. Students found doing unapproved/inappropriate activities will be given a three strike system.

2.1.1. 1st offense- Detention

2.1.2. 2nd offense- 1 week suspension from using laptops

2.1.3. 3rd offense- Permanent ban from using laptops

3. During class

3.1. What can students do with the laptops?

3.2. Students are to finish assigned coursework before doing anything else is done.

3.3. Students must use appropriate websites if not working on coursework.

4. Downloads/Installation

4.1. Only download and install approved items and programs.

5. Care of Laptop

5.1. Carefully close, take back to the cart, and plug in the laptop in the assigned number spot.