Validity and Relability

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Validity and Relability by Mind Map: Validity and Relability

1. Relability

1.1. Test-Retest

1.1.1. Correlation between first and second test proves relability

1.2. Alternative Form

1.2.1. Assessments given close in time to give relability of the test

1.3. Internal Consistency

1.3.1. All questions on the assessment at closely related to the same subject

2. Validity

2.1. Content

2.1.1. Is the assessment related to what was taught

2.2. Criterion-related

2.2.1. Is the assessment predictive and concurrent with what was taught

2.3. Concurrent Criterion-related

2.3.1. Having students take a new test along with an older one to determine if the new test effects the scores

2.4. Predictive

2.4.1. How well a student will do on an assessment

2.5. Construct

2.5.1. Will the assessment give positive or negitive results?