Comp Intro [Storage]
by R Avennolf
1. Flash memory storage
1.1. Solid state drives
1.2. Memory cards
1.2.1. CF
1.2.2. SD
1.2.3. SDHC
1.3. USB flash drives
1.4. Express card modules
2. Optical Discs
2.1. Care of optical discs
2.1.1. no drink
2.1.2. no eat
2.1.3. beware sunlight
2.1.4. no touch underside
2.2. Types of optical discs
2.2.1. CD-ROM
2.2.2. CD-R
2.2.3. CD-RW
2.2.5. DVD-R,DVD+R,BD-R
2.3. CDs
2.4. Archive discs and picture CDs
2.5. DVDs and Blu-ray discs
3. Types of storage
3.1. Tape
3.2. Magnetic Stripe and smart cards
3.2.1. ID card , ATM card , Credit card , Etc...
3.3. Microfilm and MIcrofiche
3.4. Enterprise Storage
3.4.1. Special hardware , Maximum availability , maximum efficiency.
4. Hard Disk
4.1. Characteristics of hard disk
4.1.1. sectors
4.1.2. track
4.1.3. cluster
4.1.4. backup
4.1.5. working
4.2. RAID
4.3. NAS
4.4. External and Removable Harddisk
4.4.1. flash drives
4.5. Miniature Harddisk
4.5.1. digital camera
4.5.2. moblie phones
4.5.3. portable media player
4.6. Harddidk controllers
4.6.1. SATA
4.6.2. EIDE
4.6.3. SCSI
4.6.4. SAS
4.7. maintaining data stored on a hard disk
5. Cloud storage
5.1. Cloud stage
5.2. Web services
5.2.1. online