SPAN 101 Spring 2013 Profesora Carrell

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SPAN 101 Spring 2013 Profesora Carrell by Mind Map: SPAN 101 Spring 2013 Profesora Carrell

1. -er verbs

2. Capítulo Número Dos: Mis amigos y yo

2.1. Describe people, places, things

2.1.1. Las descripciones

2.1.2. El origen

2.1.3. Adjective agreement

2.1.4. Ser and estar with adjectives

2.2. State when and where events take place

2.2.1. La universidad

2.2.2. Present tense of ser

2.3. Express ownership

2.3.1. Possessive adjectives

2.4. Express likes and dislikes

2.4.1. Gustar

3. Capítulo Preliminar: Bienvenidos

3.1. Identify and describe people

3.1.1. Cognate adjectives

3.1.2. Subject pronouns

3.1.3. Ser

3.2. Locate classroom objects

3.2.1. Classroom objects and expressions

3.2.2. Estar to express location

4. Capítulo Número Uno: En la universidad

4.1. Exchange information about classes

4.1.1. Las materias y los lugares

4.1.2. Description words

4.1.3. Noun-adjective agreement: gender and number

4.2. Identify locations at the university

4.2.1. Los lugares

4.2.2. Estar to express location

4.3. Talk about academic daily life and occurrences

4.3.1. Las actividades de los estudiantes

4.4. Ask and answer questions

4.4.1. Question words

4.4.2. Question formation

4.5. Introduce yourself, greet others, and say goodbye

4.5.1. Las presentaciones

4.5.2. Los saludos y las despedidas

4.5.3. Distinguishing registers

4.6. Present tense of regular -ar, -er, -ir verbs

4.6.1. -ar verbs

4.6.2. -ir verbs

5. En casa

6. Numbers 100 - 2,000,000

7. Express where you are going and make plans

7.1. Present tense of ir

7.2. ir + a + infinitive

7.3. Por and para

8. Weather expressions

9. Capítulo Número Tres: El tiempo libre

9.1. Discuss daily activities and leisure

9.1.1. Las diversiones

9.1.2. Present tense of hacer, poner, salir, traer, and oír

9.2. Talk About Food

9.2.1. La comida

9.3. State what & whom you know

9.3.1. Saber and conocer

10. Capítulo Número Cuatro: En familia

10.1. Talk about family, preferences, and activities

10.1.1. Los miembros de la familia

10.1.2. Las actividades

10.1.3. Present tense of stem-changing verbs

10.1.4. Adverbs

10.2. Describe daily routines

10.2.1. Las rutinas familiares

10.2.2. Reflexive verbs and pronouns

10.3. Express obligation: Describe what you have to do

10.3.1. ¿Qué hacen los parientes?

10.3.2. Tener que + infinitive

10.4. Discuss how long something has been going on

10.4.1. Hace + expressions of time

11. Capítulo Número Cinco: Mi casa es su casa

11.1. Discuss housing, furnishings, and architecture

11.1.1. Demonstrative adjectives and pronouns

11.2. Daily chores and household activities

11.2.1. La casa, los muebles, y los electrodomésticos

11.2.2. Household activities

11.2.3. Direct object nouns and pronouns

11.3. Activities in progress

11.3.1. Present progressive: estar + -ando, -iendo

11.4. Physical and emotional states

11.4.1. Expressions with tener

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