Program Planning Model

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Program Planning Model by Mind Map: Program Planning Model

1. Discerning Context

1.1. The people, organization and wider environment

1.2. power dynamics High/low power distance factors

1.3. ethical consideration

1.4. access to resources of information about context

2. Building support base

2.1. engaging key constituent groups and stakeholders

2.2. establishing effective structural processes to ensure continuous organizational support

2.3. cultivate organizational culture where formal, job-embedded, and self-directed learning activities are valued

2.4. obtain and retain support from widest community through ad hoc groups and boards

2.5. build and sustain collaborative partnerships with other organizations and groups

2.6. 3 Ts of economic development

2.6.1. Technology

2.6.2. Talent

2.6.3. Tolerance

3. Identify Program Ideas

3.1. decide what sources to use when identifying program ideas for education and training programs

3.1.1. Web resources. Are the same ones available in China?

3.2. Generate ideas through various techniques

3.3. ensure that highly structured needs assessment is warranted and develop a needs assessment model that is appropriate to the situation

3.4. look beyond highly structured needs assessments

3.5. consider contextual issues that may effect the generation of program ideas

3.5.1. Cross-cultural issues. Power-distance ratio

3.5.2. Understanding what is meant by "adult learners"

3.5.3. Understanding of what is meant by learning. Lots of different theories. Bloom's Taxonomy

3.5.4. Differing motivations Autonomy, master, purpose Deci and Ryan Flow ROWE

3.6. prioritize and be prepared to abandon some ideas

4. Sorting and Prioritizing program ideas

4.1. define priorities and identify issues and problems that call for interventions other than education or training

4.2. Sort program ideas into two categories: those appropriate for educational activities and those that may require alternative interventions

4.3. Select the people responsible for prioritizing program ideas

4.4. Use quantitative and qualitative data when prioritizing program ideas

4.5. Use a clearly articulated system for prioritizing

4.6. Be prepared to recommend alternative interventions

5. Develop Program Objectives

5.1. What will participants learn, the changes resulting from that learning, operational aspects of the program

5.1.1. Strategies for adult education in vocational technical programs in the United States (Teaching Philosophy/Ideology, curriculum development, overview of teaching/learning strategies/determining that learning has occurred, etc).

5.1.2. Philosophy, methods and approaches in vocational education

5.1.3. Teaching Methods (Lectures, On-line, hands-on, repetitive learning exercises, on-the-job-training strategies, developing Communities of Learners, Coaching Strategies, etc)

5.1.4. Developing teacher education programs for use in Shaanxi Province – Assuring Educational Effectiveness Common issue of concern: Issue of major concern for North American scene the quality of teacher education programs. See the report on this link that discusses 9 criteria for judging teacher ed program quality. Purpose: goals reflect the needs of today's teachers schools and children. Success tied to student learning in the classrooms. Curricular Coherence: organized to teach the skills and knowledge needed by teachers at specific types of schools and at various stages of careers. Curricular Balance: between theory and practice Faculty Composition: academics and practitioners who are expert in teaching, up to date and productive, Admission: standards designed to recruit potential teachers with the capacity and motivation to become successful teachers. Graduation standards Research is high quality, practice driven and useful to practitioners and policy makers Finances are adequate Assessment: Program engages in continuing self-assessment and performance improvement.

5.2. include measurable and non-measurable program outcomes

5.2.1. Demonstrate acquired knowledge by teaching the learned materials to the class

5.2.2. Demonstrate that they can apply the learned materials and methods by developing a similar course that can be taught in their schools in China

5.3. ensure that program objectives are clearly written and understandable by all parties involved

5.4. Use program objectives to evaluate internal consistency and "do-ability"

5.5. Negotiate changes in program objectives with all parties involved

6. Design Instructional Plans

6.1. develop clear and understandable learning objectives for each instructional session and ensure they match program objectives

6.2. select and organize program content based on what participants "must learn"

6.3. Choose instructional techniques that match the focus of the learning outcomes, that the instructor is capable of using, and that take into account the background experience and context of the learners.

6.3.1. Online learning and virtual Instruction Free range projects LMS Moodle rooms Translation

6.4. Select or develop instructional resources that enhance the learning effort

6.5. Choose an assessment component for each instructional segment

6.6. Use instructional assessment data for formative and summative instructional and program evaluation

6.7. Prepare clear and concise instructional plans

6.8. ensure instructors are competent and committed

7. Design Transfer of Learning Plans

7.1. be aware of major factors that influence the transfer of learning

7.1.1. Program participants, program design and execution, program content, changes required to apply learning, organizational context, community and societal forces

7.2. Decide if transfer of learning strategies should be employed before, after or during a program

7.2.1. Online web resources, F2F instruction, Web-based contact.

7.2.2. See Haskel's (1998, 2001) Eleven principles for facilitating transfer.

7.3. Determine the key players involved in transfer of learning

7.4. Teach learners, supervisors, and other interested parties about transfer of learning techniques and strategies

7.4.1. Individual learning plans

7.4.2. Coaching

7.4.3. Job rotation, guided internships

7.4.4. Mentoring

7.4.5. One-legged conference, brief conversations

7.4.6. Job aids

7.4.7. Portfolios, blogs, wikis

7.4.8. application notebook

7.4.9. Transfer teams

7.4.10. Tuning protocols

7.4.11. Support groups

7.4.12. Follow up sessions

7.4.13. Networking

7.4.14. Action research

7.4.15. Reflective practice

7.4.16. Chat rooms

7.5. Choose transfer of learning strategies that will be most useful to participants

7.6. Help participants select transfer of learning techniques that are most useful to them when applying learning

7.7. Negotiate and change the content, skills, and/or beliefs that are to be transfered

8. Formulate Evaluation Plans

8.1. develop systematic program evaluation procedures

8.1.1. 11 Elements of Systematic Evaluation= Element>Operational Guideline>example Cafferella (2002) pp. 231-234

8.2. Use informal and unplanned evaluation opportunities to collect formative and summative evaluation data

8.3. Specify the evaluation approach to be used

8.4. Determine how evaluation data are to be collected

8.4.1. Moodle discussion forums offer systematic evaluation of contribution that is defined in a rubric and scored if required for grading Discussion forum subject line must contain must clearly identify the main theme of your comment reader must be able to discern main idea from subject line Discussion forum comment field must contain accuracy= novelty=add something new informative relevant copy and paste must have citation contribute to the academic atmpshere +/-

8.5. determine process for data analysis

8.6. Describe how judgments will be made about the program

9. Making Recommendations and Communicating Results

9.1. examine program successes and failures

9.2. Tell the story through carefully crafted program reports

9.3. Select a format for reports

9.4. Time the release of the report for optimal impact

9.5. follow up with appropriate individuals

10. Selecting Formats, Schedules, and Staff Needs

10.1. choose most appropriate format or combination of formats

10.2. take into account the desire to build a community of learners

10.3. Devise a program schedule

10.4. Identify staff requirements

10.5. determine if staff will be internal or external consultants

10.6. Make careful choices about instructors or learning facilitators

11. Preparing Budgets and Marketing Plans

11.1. Estimate expenses of the project including costs of development, delivery and evaluation of the program

11.2. Determine program financing and estimates of program income

11.3. Manage program budget and keep accurate budget records

11.4. Build and maintain credibility, success, and market niches when marketing

11.5. Conduct target audience analysis

11.6. Use existing data or generate contextual information to help frame marketing plans

11.7. Select and prepare promotional materials for the program

11.8. Prepare a targeted and lively promotional campaign

11.9. Ascertain and strengthen promotional assets and capabilities

12. Coordinate Facilities and On-site events

12.1. Obtain suitable facilities and arrange for instructional materials and equipment

12.2. Ensure that facilities accommodate all participants

12.3. Oversee all on-site program arrangments

12.4. Create a positive environment for learning the moment participants arrive

12.5. Provide a system for monitoring programs

12.6. Gather data for program evaluations

12.7. Give recognition to program participants and thank staff members

12.8. Tie up loose ends when program complete

13. Understanding by Design

13.1. Backward design process

13.1.1. 1. Identify desired results

13.1.2. 2. Determine Acceptable Evidence

13.1.3. 3. Plan Learning experiences