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1. SEO and promotion

1.1. SEO

1.1.1. Articles/post Title (first 2-3 words) Relevant content URL Video

1.1.2. Backlink DMOZ, Yahoo! Google blog/news Website and Category RSS Related-website backlinks

1.2. Social

1.2.1. Facebook, Twitter...

1.2.2. Youtube

1.2.3. Commenting other blog/sites

1.3. Offline promotion

1.3.1. Manga Star comics

1.3.2. Bookmarks (community?)

1.4. Graphic Restyling

1.4.1. "Neglected" areas in the spotlight

1.4.2. Aggregation

1.4.3. Insights

2. Monetizing

2.1. Advit

2.2. Comics training course

2.3. Star Shop

2.4. Caps, T-Shirts

2.5. Direct advertising (traditional banner)

2.6. DVD training course (How to draw manga)

2.7. DVD Nanoda TV + Special

2.8. Streamit + Anime

2.9. Adsense

3. Create a Community

3.1. Forum

3.2. Contests

3.3. Collaboration

3.3.1. News exchange with other related websites

3.3.2. Help other Webmasters

3.3.3. Help users

3.3.4. Ask the users (polls, quiz...)

3.3.5. Admin partecipate users comments/ opinion

3.3.6. User generated news / reviews / video

3.3.7. contact list

3.4. Articles that "gave something"

3.4.1. Guides

3.4.2. Sweet & Drools

3.4.3. Freebies (avatar, packs...)

3.4.4. List of link/tools/info (cosplay, games...)

3.4.5. Interactive games personal made

3.4.6. Voices from the forum

3.4.7. Images/wallpapers drawn by users Fanart are OK Wallpapers are NOT

3.5. Star Community

3.5.1. Card

3.5.2. Star Comics Events

3.6. Motivated and happy staff

3.7. Meeting and Conventions, Live events