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1. Phonemics

1.1. l

1.2. d.

1.3. Ph.

1.3.1. Examples: man /mæn/ men /mɛn/ map /mæp/. •bad /bæd/ •pad /pæd/


2.1. They are the smallest unit of distinction among the meanings of the language.

2.2. *They have no meaning of their own. *They are inseparable. *They are abstract

2.3. e.g. "tap" compares words with "tab", "tag" and "tan" " separate p elements.

2.3.1. Examples: Pot want caught awful ough

3. Phonetics is the linguistic discipline that studies the sounds of human speech.

3.1. example

3.1.1. /t/ tea,

3.1.2. /ð/ that

3.1.3. /b/ ball

4. It is the study of how the sounds of speech form patterns and rules of a language.

4.1. example

4.1.1. autumn /ˈɔːtəm/

4.1.2. autumnal /ɔːˈtʌmnəl/

4.1.3. bomb /bɒm/

5. It works at the level of sound, systems and abstract sound units.

6. GRE

6.1. Phonetics

7. Allophones

7.1. The different combinatory variants that a phoneme can present depending on the phonic context, without the production of one or the other entailing significant differences.

7.1.1. Example:“pain” y “Spain” La /p/

7.1.2. [k] not aspirated, as in quite [ˈkwaɪt].

7.1.3. [kʰ] como en kill [ˈkʰɪɫ]