IT (Innovation) Topics

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IT (Innovation) Topics by Mind Map: IT (Innovation) Topics

1. Enterprise Open Source

1.1. Spring

1.2. Maven

1.3. Apache Ant

1.4. Hibernate

1.5. Hudson

2. Service Oriented Architectures

2.1. Engineering FLOSS Offer (Spagic)

2.2. Other FLOSS Offer

2.3. Other Commercial Offer

3. Human Computer Interaction

3.1. Rich Internet Applications

3.1.1. Flash / Flex Tools to know

3.1.2. Silverlight Tools to know

3.1.3. AJAX Frameworks to know google GWT + sencha GXT jquery

3.2. Usability

3.2.1. Simplicity

3.2.2. Responsiveness

3.2.3. Robustness

3.3. Accessibility

3.4. Interface Quality

4. Web 2.0

4.1. Social Networking

4.2. Responsiveness

5. Unified Communications

6. Software Quality

6.1. Design patterns

6.2. testing

6.2.1. xUnit frameworks (JUnit, TestNg, DbUnit,...)

6.3. Version control systems

6.3.1. CVS

6.3.2. SVN service offered by infrastructure

6.4. code standard

6.5. continuous integration

7. Process Quality

7.1. Change Management

7.2. Configuration Management

7.3. Incident Management

7.3.1. Jira

7.3.2. Mantis service offered by infrastructure

8. Portals

8.1. Engineering approach

8.2. FLOSS Offer

8.2.1. Liferay

8.3. Commercial Offer

8.3.1. Microsoft Office Sharepoint Server

9. Business Intelligence

9.1. Engineering FLOSS Offer (SpagoBI)

9.2. Other FLOSS Offer

9.3. Other Commercial Offer

10. IT Security

10.1. Logical

10.2. Phisical

11. Document Management

11.1. Tools and Platforms

11.1.1. Migrations

12. Enterprise 2.0

12.1. Mashups

12.2. API

12.3. Organizational Model Change

12.4. Tools and Platforms

13. Cloud Computing

14. Green IT

14.1. Virtualization

15. Modeling

15.1. Object oriented modeling

15.1.1. UML