visual stimulous on well being

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visual stimulous on well being by Mind Map: visual stimulous on well being

1. Technology for presentation

1.1. time lapse videos

1.1.1. path to brewster beach, carry beach, swazey park, G-pa's, castle in the cloud, downtown docks, albanci tower view

1.2. 3D explanation aid for eye to brain

1.3. draw and take pictures to make a short video- maybe depicting effect on someone

2. incorporated into daily lives ex. screen savers and advertising

2.1. who tries to take advantage of mood it gives?

2.1.1. advertising with scenic pictures granola bar commercials selena gomez music video

2.2. snapshots of different pictures of these

3. chemicals released when see scenic view

3.1. serotonin?

3.2. dopamine?

3.3. do depressed people have different levels to start with but same amount released or different amount released?

3.4. norepinephrine?

4. how scenic views make us feel

5. can we use this to our advantage?(CBT/neurologist)

5.1. different for people such as with chemical imbalance depression?

5.2. How can we use this knowledge to improve this, or is it a mind set?

5.3. does perspective change chemical release?

5.4. perspective vs. scenic view effect

6. touch upon body and face portions and how these can release the same 'happy chemicals' as a scenic view

6.1. why we prefer to look at attractive people

6.2. the proportions(the golden proportion) in humans and nature

7. FMRI/brain scan

7.1. 3D aid

7.1.1. how we perceive what we see, how our eyes work in the sense of rods and cones from eyes to brain to mind

7.1.2. show chemicals being released

8. why people have wanted to mimic by drawing