Data process management

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Data process management by Mind Map: Data process management

1. Chapter 2

1.1. Eccense of software development

1.1.1. Invariants constant

1.2. Accidents of software development

1.2.1. Three main components Process Modelling Stakeholders

1.2.2. Accidental difficuties When information system is a social system When a software solution adding to the inherit complexity of the software product. Challenge of Adavptiveness

2. Chapter 1

2.1. Requirement Engeneering

2.1.1. Identifying and communicating the purpose of a software-intensive system, and the contexts in which it will be used.

3. Chapter 3

3.1. Software development invariants (constants)

3.1.1. complexity

3.1.2. conformity

3.1.3. changeability

3.1.4. invisibility

3.2. ObjectOrietedParadignms

3.2.1. 4 OO Principles Abstraction Model only the things that are needed abstract relevant details and show deliberate ignorance to the rest for example modelling a University Student Inheritance Encapsulation Objects and classes

3.3. Object Modelling Technique (OMT) - extends from analysis through design to implementation

4. q

5. Past Exam 2012

5.1. Object Oriented Concepts

5.1.1. Object

5.1.2. Class

5.1.3. Information hiding (encapsulation) The implementation of an object can be changed without affecting the applications that are used

5.1.4. Inheritance

5.1.5. Overriding

5.1.6. Overloading

5.2. 4 Elements of DFDs

5.2.1. DFD Symbols

5.2.2. Process

5.2.3. Data store

5.2.4. Data Flow

5.2.5. External entities

5.3. Benefits of modelling

5.4. What is a Use Case?

5.4.1. Use Case Diagrams

6. Practice test 2013 sem1

6.1. functional and non functional requirements

6.1.1. functional requirements

6.1.2. Nonfunctional(Quality) requirements

6.2. System requirements

6.2.1. Access to the database should only be allowed after authorizing password

6.3. A good requirements statement must be

6.3.1. complete

6.3.2. necessary

6.4. iterative and incremental development

6.4.1. Iterative development is a rework scheduling strategy

6.4.2. Incremental development is a staging and scheduling strategy

6.5. Differentiating problem and implementation statement

6.5.1. problem statement is a simplification of the entire problem space

6.5.2. Implementation statement is the developers interpretation of the problem statement

6.6. Object Oriented Concepts

6.6.1. Abstraction focuses upon the essential characteristics of some object relative to the perspective of the owner

6.6.2. Encapsulation Seperating external aspects of an object which are accessible to other objects

6.6.3. Inheritance defines a relationship among classes and interfaces. a subclass may inherit its structure and behaviour of its superclass

7. Chapter 7

7.1. Structural Constraints

7.1.1. Cardinality

7.1.2. Particiapation The participation of entities appear as the minimum values on either side of the relationship. Can be optional (represented by a zero) Can be Mandatory (represented by 1)