Jbilling Meeting

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Jbilling Meeting by Mind Map: Jbilling Meeting

1. Legend

1.1. Priority Importance indicators

1.1.1. High Priority

1.1.2. Medium Priority

1.1.3. Low Priority

1.2. Task Completion indicators

1.2.1. Not Started

1.2.2. 25% complete

1.2.3. 50% complete

1.2.4. 75% complete

1.2.5. Done

1.3. Flags and Icons

1.3.1. Flags

1.3.2. Icons

2. Action Items

2.1. Reference Server (Dev Machine) Access for Jbilling team to start Installations

2.1.1. Grant Jbilling Dev team root access

2.2. RedMine Access For triton team to monitor project

2.3. Schedule Meeting between Simon and Amol

3. Status Meetings

3.1. Weekly Jbilling Meetings

3.2. Project ManagerWednesday /1 pm EDT/30mins

3.3. Location : Skype

3.4. Dev Meetings Every Monday 10 am EST

4. Participants

4.1. Sushmeet

4.2. Matt

5. Agenda

5.1. Project Resourcing

5.1.1. Devs ( who ) Triton Dev (Simon) Jbilling Dev (Amol Gadr )

5.2. Define upcoming goals

5.2.1. Iteration 1 Completion date

5.3. Redmine

5.3.1. Access for Sushmeet and Triton Team

5.3.2. Protocol Issue Management

5.4. Project Initiation and planning

5.4.1. Iteration 1 - 6 (Requirement Review and Design)

5.5. Reference Server Setup

5.5.1. Complete Root access to Jbilling Team

6. Goals

6.1. Set Iteration Deadlines

6.1.1. Iteration 1 Delivery

6.1.2. Iteration 2 Delivery

6.1.3. Iteration 3 Delivery

6.1.4. Iteration 4 Delivery

6.1.5. Iteration 5 Delivery

6.1.6. Iteration 6 Delivery