Causes of civil war by Jamal MCcree.

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Causes of civil war by Jamal MCcree. by Mind Map: Causes of civil war by Jamal MCcree.

1. Free soil party

1.1. 1848

1.2. Free soil party

1.3. In the election of 1848, both the Whig party and Democratic Party hoped win by not taking a stand on the issue of slavery. Antislavery Whigs and democrats joined forces to create a new political party. It called for the territory gained in the Mexican-American war to be free soil a place where slavery was ban.

2. Election of Zachary Taylor

2.1. 1848

2.2. Election of Zachary Taylor

2.3. In the election of 1848 the contreras over the democrats led to the development of the free-soil party. Democrats nominated senator Lewis cross of Michigan, the Whigs nominated Zachary Taylor, and the free soil party nominated former democratic president Martin vacterian senator cass suggested that the people in each new territory should vote for themselves whether or not to allow slavery Zachary Taylor a hero of the Mexican American war won the election.

3. The compromise of 1850

3.1. 1850

3.2. The compromise of 1850

3.3. Gold was found in California and thousands moved to the area. Soon the territory had enough people admitted as a state. Since it was above the Missouri compromise line,people felt it would be a free state. This angered the south and they threatened to secende. The compromise was proposed by senator Henry clay of Kentucky in January,1850 he hoped this compromise would end the debated over fustive forever this proposal produced one of the greatest debates in American political history. President Taylor opposed the compromise but died and the new president Millard Fillmore supported it. Congress passes five series of bills in September, 1850 that become known as the compromise of 1850. 1. California was admitted to the union as a free state2. Slave trade was banned in the nation capital 3. Congress declared that it could not regulate the slave trade between slave states . 4. Popular sovereignty would be used to determined the issue of slavery in the rest of the Mexican cession 5. The south received a new fugitives slave law.

4. The fugitive slave act

4.1. 1850

4.2. The fugitive slave act

4.3. Allowed special government officials to arrest any person accused of being a runaway slave. Suspects had no right to trial to prove that they had been falsely accused. All it took was slaveholder property. The law also required northern citizens to help slaves accused of runaways if the authorities requested assistance

5. Uncle toms cabin

5.1. 1852

5.2. Uncle toms cabin

5.3. Written by Harriet beacer in 1852 it was a novel about kindly uncle tom an enslaved man who is abused by the cruel simon legree. The book became bestseller in the north. It shocked thousands if people who had been uncorned with slavery before reading the book the book causes people to view slavery as a human moral problem and not just political issue white southerners were outraged.

6. The Kansas Nebraska act

6.1. 1854

6.2. The Kansas Nebraska act

6.3. Senator stephen douglas pushed through the act in 1854 which led the nation closer to war he wanted to see a railroad built from illnois through the nebraska terriorty. Both were above the missouri comoromise line and would become free states which upset the the terriorty. To win southern support, he suggested that the issue of slavery be resolved by pooular soverignty. This would undo the missouri compromise.

7. The election 1856

7.1. 1856

7.2. The election of 1856

7.3. First republican candiate john c. fremont waged a strong antislavery campaign and won 11 of the 16 free states. Democrat james bunchan won the election.

8. Fred v. Sanford case

8.1. 1857

8.2. Fred v. Sanford case

8.3. Dred scott was an ensaved peron wohd once be own u.s army doctor. they had lived illonois and wincosn terorty foa short time where slavery was illegal in both places They setteled in missouri with the help f anti slavery lawyer,scott sued for hsi freedom becaused he argue that he was free cause had lived where slavery was illegal. the case reached the spureme court the supreme court delivered its verdict in the case on march of 1857 three days after president buchan took office. Cheif justice roger b. Taney write decisions for the court. Scott was not a freeman for two reasons 1. Scott had no right to sue in fefral court because a/a were not citizens 2. Merely living free terriorty does not make an enslaved person free slaves were property and property rights were protected by the united states conisution the ruling also said congress did not have the power to prohbitslavery in any terriorty thus the missouri compromise was unconstial southerners were happy because slavery is legal in all terriorties northerners were upset because now slavery could spread to the west.

9. The Lincoln and Douglas debate

9.1. The Lincoln and Douglas debate

9.2. 1858

9.3. Lincolin was choosen as the senate candiate for senate candiate for senate aganist senator douglas in 1858 lincolin and douglas were political and personal rivals lincolin challenged douglas to a series of public debate thousands gathered to hear them speak newspaper reported what each man said throughout the nation douglas defend popular soveriginty and said each state had a right t decide for or aganist slavery. he painted lincolin as a dangerous abolist who wanted equality for a/a lincoln took a stand aganistthe spread of slavery he predicted that salvery would die out on its own but in the mean time americans had obligation to keep out of the western terriorties douglas won the election but lincolin was known throughout the nation.

10. John brown attacks Harpers ferry

10.1. 1859

10.2. John brown attacks harpers ferry

10.3. john brownwa driven ou of kanas after the pottwomie creak massacre aand returned to newenlang he began a plot to free people in the south people in the out that were enslaved in 1859 bown and a small group of supporters attacked the town ofd harpers furry virginia his goal was to take control of the guns that us army had stored there. he tought tat enslaved african americans would supprt him. he would give them weapons and led a revolt he gained contol of all the guns but troops commanded by colonel robert E. lee surounded browns force before they could ecsape ten browns followers were killled.brown was wouned and captured at his trial he sat quitely as the court found him guilty of murder and treason he was haned in virginia on december 2,1859 many people in the north considered him a hero southerers were shocked that northerners thought this about a person who tried to led a slave revolt aanist them.

11. Political parties divide

11.1. 1960

11.2. Political parties divide

11.3. the demcrat party split into two parties during the election of 1860 because northern democrats refused to support slavery in the terrirties some southeren wanted to fix the problems between the north and south an formed the costutional union party they wanted to protect slavery and keep the nation togther.

12. The election of 1860

12.1. The election of 1860

12.2. Republicans chose lincolin to run for president in 1860 northern democrats nominated stephen douglas as their candiate southern democrats chose vice president john breckinridge of kentucky the constitutional union nominated john bell of teneeses the election showed just had froment the nation had become lincolin won every free state and brecknige won all slave states execpt four bell won kentucky, tennense, and virginia douglas won missouri lincolin recieved

13. Southern states secede

13.1. 1860

13.2. Southern states secede

13.3. lincolin election made the south feel that they no longer had a voice in the national goverment they belived that the president and congress were aganist their interest especially slavery. south carliona secede first when news of lincolins election reached state. they called for a special convention on december 20, 1860 the convetion passed a declartion that the union now subsiting between south carolina and the other states under the name of the united stsaes of america is herby dissolved six more states followed south carolina out of the union.

14. The confederate states of america

14.1. 1861

14.2. The confederate states of America

14.3. In febuary of 1861, the leaders of the united states that left the union met in montgomery alabma to form a new nation that they called the confederate states of america by the time lincolin took office in march they hyad written a consution and named former senator jefferson davis as president.

15. Crittend plan

15.1. 1861

15.2. Crittend plan

15.3. A plan deveopled by senator john J. critteneden of kentucky to compromise with the congress one last time. It was presented to congress in late feburay, 1861 while the south was forming its new goverment but it did not pass.

16. The economy of north and south

16.1. 1820

16.2. The economy of the north and south

16.3. The north was industrial with factors and paid workers.the south was agrictuial with large plantation and small farms. Slave labors was used in the south.

17. The Missouri compromise

17.1. 1820

17.2. The Missouri compromise

17.3. As America began moving west the issue of whether or not slavery should be allowed in the new states forming out west became an issue. The first state in which this became in issue was Maine. It's addition to United States threatened to upset the balanced between free states and slave states. In 1820, senator Henry clay persuade congress to approve the Missouri compromise. The Missouri compromise stated 1. Maine was admitted as a free state 2. Missouri was admitted as a slave state 3. Louisiana north of Missouri southern border was a free state 4. Southern slave owners gained the right to pursue escaped fugitives into free regions.

18. The Wilmot proviso

18.1. 1848

18.2. The wilmot proviso

18.3. Since the Missouri compromise did not apply to large territory gained from Mexico in 1848 representative David Wilmot of Pennsylvania proposed that congress ban slavery in all territory that might become part of the United States as a result of the Mexican American war the proposal passed in the house but failed senate.