Resource Management and Planning to Support Learning and School Improvement

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Resource Management and Planning to Support Learning and School Improvement por Mind Map: Resource Management and Planning to Support Learning and School Improvement

1. Schedule

1.1. Mandatory Minutes

1.1.1. State statute

1.1.2. Destrict requirement

1.1.3. School expectations

1.2. Enrichment Programs

1.2.1. Art

1.2.2. Music

1.2.3. Physical Education

1.2.4. Assemblies

1.2.5. Exhibits

1.2.6. Subject-specific enrichment as determined by the needs of the community and other stakeholders.

1.2.7. Before and After School Clubs that meet mission goals and objectives, as well as the needs of the community.

1.3. Foreign Language

1.4. Common, Grade-level Planning Time

1.5. Professional Learning Community Time

1.5.1. Committee Meetings

1.5.2. Staff Meetings

1.5.3. Professional Development

1.5.4. Vertical Articulation

1.5.5. School Events

1.6. Lunch and Recess

1.6.1. Classroom or grade level specific to meet the needs of students and teachers.

1.6.2. Para assistance/duty concerns for multiple sessions to relieve teachers for a restful lunch break.

1.7. Resource and Special Education

1.7.1. Literacy intervention needs to be determined by staff and administration.

1.7.2. Math intervention needs to be determined by staff and administration.

1.7.3. IEP minutes

1.7.4. ALP minutes

1.7.5. Severe Needs Minutes

1.7.6. Speech Minutes

1.7.7. ESL Interventions and Minutes

1.7.8. Physical Therapy Minutes

2. Materials

2.1. Regular Education needs to be determined by staff and administration.

2.1.1. Textbooks

2.1.2. Teacher Manuals

2.1.3. Manipulatives

2.1.4. Technology

2.1.5. Readers/Classroom Library

2.1.6. Science Materials

2.1.7. Maps and Globes

2.1.8. Dictionaries/Thesauruses

2.1.9. Copies

2.2. Intervention Education needs to be determined by these specific staff members and administration.

2.2.1. Manipulatives

2.2.2. Programs/Program Books/Guides

2.2.3. Time/Behavior Management Devices

2.3. Special Education needs to be determined by these specific staff members and administration.

2.3.1. Manipulatives

2.3.2. Programs/Program Books/ Guides

2.3.3. Time/Behavior Management Devices

2.3.4. Therapy Equipment

3. Budget

3.1. Line Item Allotments from the District

3.1.1. Teacher Postions Some control over allocation to get the teachers that collaborative groups have determined best suit student need.

3.1.2. Paraprofessional Positions Some control over allocation to get the staff that not only best serves to assist student learning, but frees teachers up to plan and collaborate.

3.1.3. Building Utilities

3.1.4. Building Large-scale Repairs

3.1.5. Curriculum and Instruction Can be used for Professional Development, supplemental materials, some technology needs. Decisions regarding this use will be determined by staff and committees.

3.1.6. Building maintenance

3.1.7. Technology Used to update or replace equipment. Often supplemented by a district specific bucket of technology money, as well. Decisions regarding this use will be determined by staff and committees with district approval.

3.2. Flexible Accounts

3.2.1. Building Rentals Discretionary fund that can be used for a variety of needs. During staff and committee work, we will determine best use of funds on an annual basis. I will also strive to keep a "Savings" going for emergent needs.

3.2.2. Kindergarten Tuition Discretionary fund that can used for a variety of needs, but should also encompass a direct benefit to Kindergarten programming (ie. para support) Kindergarten teachers would play a large role in decided this fund's use, along with a Leadership Committee.

3.3. Parent Organization Fundraising

3.3.1. Capitol and facility improvements that directly impact students. This decision would be made by the PTO with input from administration, staff and students. Any decisions would also need to be made in alignment with school mission and objectives.

3.3.2. One time, no committment professional development presenters who can provide training on objectives that meet school mission and goals.

3.3.3. Non-consumable manipulatives and classroom supplies that enhance the current curriculum and instructional decisions.

3.3.4. In-house enrichment experiences for students that compliment current curriculum and instructional practices.

3.3.5. Technology needs as determined by committee work and best practices development.

3.4. Dontations

3.4.1. Discretionary funds that could be used to meet a variety of needs as determined by committees.

3.4.2. Used for specific programs or used as defined by the benefactor that would align with mission and goals.

3.5. Grants

3.5.1. Used for specific programs or used as defined by the benefactor that would align with mission and goals.

3.6. Foundations

3.6.1. Used for specific programs or used as defined by the benefactor that should align with mission and goals to not only meet school needs, but community needs, as well.