The difference between input and output devices

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The difference between input and output devices 저자: Mind Map: The difference between input and output devices

1. Classroom application: Students could print pictures or designs off in color for projects

2. Challenges of having a computer printer

2.1. Wasted paper, expensive to have and maintain with ink and toner

3. Benefits of having a computer printer

3.1. Students could print off papers to proffread

4. Example is a computer printer

5. Pieces of hardware that move information out of a computer

6. Output Devices

7. Reference: Lever-Duffy, J. & McDonald, J. B. (2011). Teaching and learning with technology (4th ed.). Boston, MA: Pearson Education, Inc./Allyn & Bacon, p. 117

8. Classroom application: Could use it during a discussion and students could type up ideas that would go on the white board with a lcd projector

9. Challenges of a wireless keyboard

9.1. Batteries run low frequently or the keyboard distance is too far to connect to PC

10. Benefits of wireless keyboard

10.1. Less equipment to carry and easy to position for typing

11. An example would be a wireless keyboard because it is used to enter information

12. Any computer peripheral that might be used to enter data into the computer

13. Input Devices