1. Technology
1.1. Media Ecology
1.1.1. First realized by Neil Postman
1.1.2. "Media ecology is the study of media as environments."
1.1.3. What does this mean ? It is looking at how media today affects our understanding of media
1.1.4. For example, using media as a tool of investigations
1.1.5. In a classroom, teachers can allow students to use TV, or the internet in many ways
1.1.6. Example: communication, a source of medium, or history
1.1.7. So what is media ecology now? Today media ecology includes iPad, iPhone, PLN, and many more
1.2. SCOT
1.2.1. known as Social construction of technology
1.2.2. SCOT is a theory within the field of sciences and technology studies
1.2.3. Before, technology was not used to spread the word of important messages
1.2.4. Now, we use technology for almost everything
1.2.5. Example: marketing objects for consumers
1.2.6. Technology can be shaped by organizations, consumer needs and demands
2.1. teachers needs 3 kind of knowledge
2.1.1. Content
2.1.2. Pedagogical
2.1.3. Technology
2.2. TPACK = Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge
2.3. TPACK is a framework that focuses on the subject area, how to teach it and then applying it with technology knowledge
2.4. for teachers this skill is built on
2.5. Link to a Venn diagram that describes TPACK
3. Learning Theories
3.1. Constructivist
3.1.1. building connections by actively interacting with others in their environment
3.1.2. learning involoves constructing one's own knowledge from one's own experiences
3.1.3. class starts with complex problems and then teach the basic skills while solving these problems
3.1.4. these problems can include: Problem based learning or project based learning
3.1.5. can include authentic tasks
3.1.6. All these problems have no right or wrong answer
3.1.7. allows the students to be creative and critical thinkers
3.1.8. Constructionism: learning by making/doing (Seymour Papert)
3.1.9. Vygotsky's idea of "Teaching in the Magic Middle"
3.2. Connectivism
3.2.1. learners builds on knowledge that exists in the network
3.2.2. began in 2006
3.2.3. Motto: learning theory for digital age
3.2.4. information should be current
3.2.5. capacity to know more is critical
3.2.6. It is important to know where to find the information
3.2.7. teacher is provided as support for the students
3.2.8. some descriptions of connectivism:
3.3. Cognitivism
3.3.1. There are three types of memory: sensory memory, short term memory/working memory and long term memory
3.3.2. Sensory memory is what we feel, see, hear, smell and taste
3.3.3. Working memory is the information you are focused on at a given moment i.e) "the working bench"
3.3.4. The working memory is held temporarily
3.3.5. Don't confuse working memory with short term memory
3.3.6. Short term memory is remembering something for a little while. This kind of memory holds information for about 20 seconds
3.3.7. Long term memory is known as the permanent storage of knowledge with unlimited capacity
3.3.8. Motto: Mind is like a computer where the long term memory is the hard drive and the short term memory is the RAM.
3.3.9. We build from what we already know. This is known as Scaffolding/Schemas