Time Management and Organisational Skills

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Time Management and Organisational Skills by Mind Map: Time Management and Organisational Skills

1. Saving Time

1.1. 10 time saving suggestions

1.1.1. Evernote

1.2. Self evaluation planner

1.3. Avoid interruptions/distractions

2. Work based projects

2.1. Allocate times in the day for particular tasks

2.1.1. Assistant App

2.2. Effective Management

3. Deadlines

3.1. Learning to say No

3.2. Avoid Procrastination

3.3. Organising your time, space and mind for study

3.4. Task lists / Priority Setting check list

3.5. Work backwards

4. Right Place / Right Time / Right Day

4.1. Smartphone appointments

4.1.1. Calengoo

4.2. Sticky Notes

4.2.1. StickyNotes

4.3. Using colour codes and Symbols

4.3.1. Online project management

4.4. Effective Diary keeping

4.4.1. Google Calendar

4.5. Sharing Calendars