Account Management

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Account Management by Mind Map: Account Management

1. Marketing

1.1. ROI reports/client feedback

1.2. Xsell and prodcut penetration initiative

1.3. What's new in IT/ Trends / Product Knowledge Share

2. Product Knowledge / User Training

2.1. Last Pass

2.2. Breach Secure Now

2.3. 3CX

2.4. SDWAN

2.5. Keeping product catalogue updated (work with procurment)

3. System Transparency

3.1. KPI's/Sharing Data

3.1.1. Progress Data

3.1.2. Meetings Completed

3.2. Documentation

3.2.1. Tasks Daily Weekly Monthly Annually

3.3. Team Goals Visibility

4. Documentation

4.1. Contracts (In client folder)

4.2. Configs

4.2.1. QBR configs IT Planning Service Devliery Review Local Meet (parked) Annual Account Review (All with expiry dates)

4.2.2. Copy of bills ISP and any subscription

4.3. Current users and site info

5. Onboard New Clients

6. QBR's

6.1. IT Planning

6.1.1. product penetration Xsell

6.1.2. Maintenance Audit and Ticket age Review

6.1.3. Service reports BrightGauge

6.2. Service Delivery

6.2.1. Show clients annual stats where we have spent time on their account

6.2.2. Share any potential areas of improvement visibile in stats with clients (noisy support concerns)

6.3. Local Meet

6.4. Annual Account Review

6.4.1. EHR Calculation. (Health of Contract)

6.4.2. Product/Project Review & Feedback

6.4.3. Customer Satisfaction Survey

6.4.4. Pipeline and Growth Scoping

7. Profiling: Client and Company

7.1. Create intergration with communication

7.1.1. Display of chronological communication

7.2. Company Profiling

7.2.1. Documenting primary system and what they are used for. Line of business applications.

7.3. Primary contact profiling

7.3.1. Divulging information with a more personal touch used for relationship building. e.gBirthdays, last vacations, relative, family and friend info (networking), recent events of impact etc.