Gillian Edwards' PLN: Translating complex ideas into effective presentations

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Gillian Edwards' PLN: Translating complex ideas into effective presentations by Mind Map: Gillian Edwards' PLN: Translating complex ideas into effective presentations

1. Delicious

1.1. Academic Talks

1.2. Public Speaking

1.3. Presentations

1.4. Public_Speaking

2. Google Alerts

2.1. Research Translation

2.2. Public Speaking

2.2.1. Forbes Speaking Tips

2.2.2. The Guardian Public Speaking for Academics

2.2.3. Inside Higher Ed More Effective Speaking

2.2.4. TED Talks and the art of public speaking

2.2.5. Public Speaking is a "Learned Art"

2.3. Giving a TED talk

2.3.1. TED Blog Transforming Curriculum

2.3.2. Chris Anderson shares his tips on giving a killer presentation

2.4. Creating Engaging Presentations

2.4.1. 8 Best PowerPoint Presentations

3. Websites

3.1. TED

3.1.1. Lawrence Lessig: Laws That Choke Creativity

3.2. Janice Tomich

3.2.1. Nancy Duarte Art of the Story

4. Twitter (PLN 2013 List)

4.1. @duarte

4.2. @nancyduarte

4.3. @TheStoryFactor

4.4. @6minutes

4.5. @EnglishEdition

4.6. @getstoried

4.7. @presentationzen

4.8. @presenternews

4.8.1. Nancy Duarte Talks About the Use of Story

4.9. @GuyKawasaki

4.9.1. Google+ Tweet

4.10. @ImpactTips

5. Blogs

5.1. 6 Minutes

5.2. Duarte Blog

5.2.1. Eric Albertson Move Your Audience [video]

5.3. Presentation Zen

5.3.1. No Excuse For Boring an Audience Let There Be Stoning! Communicating Science: Giving Talks

5.3.2. The Storytelling Imperative: Make Them Care!

5.4. The Presentation Blog

5.4.1. How To Give a Great Presentation

5.5. IdeaTransplant

5.5.1. Presentation Lessons from TED

5.5.2. I Will Talk to That

5.5.3. A Good PowerPoint Template

5.6. Extreme Presentation

5.7. Hey Receiver

5.8. HuffingtonPost - Jay Weston Blog

5.9. udemy

5.10. Jim Harvey

5.10.1. Part 1: Explaining Complex Ideas

5.10.2. Part 2: Five Rules for Explaining Complex Ideas

5.10.3. Making Your Presentation Fit Any Audience

5.10.4. Is complex language always wrong for presenters?

6. YouTube

6.1. DuarteDesign

6.1.1. Memorable Presentations

6.1.2. Duarte Design's Five Rules for Presentations

6.2. TEDtalksDirector

6.2.1. Melissa Marshall: Talk Nerdy to Me [video]

6.3. wienotfilms

6.3.1. How to Give an Awesome (PowerPoint) Presentation [video]