Informal and Non formal knowledge
by Ulf Hägglund
1. Antwerp; C-stick
1.1. Digital portfolio
1.2. Tools for personal development plans
1.3. Back up via Internet
1.4. Links to administrative system for tasks etc
2. Birmingham; A World Worth Living in
2.1. Focus on NEET's
2.2. NOCN Credits
2.3. Online Portfolio
2.4. 3 elements - individual learning styles
3. Göteborg; The positive potential of informal knowledge
3.1. Broad perspective on the theme
3.2. Multiple q's and a's
3.3. System change
3.4. Combining formal and in(non-)formal learning - how can that be done?
4. Antwerp; Study accompaniment in an informal setting to prevent school drop-out
4.1. Promoting study choices
4.2. Combining formal information with informal settings (the Antwerp study guide and the Antwerp Youth Competence Centers)
4.3. Prevent drop-outs
4.4. Labour Competence Mentors