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Theories by Mind Map: Theories


1.1. This stands for: Social Construction of Technology.

1.2. It can be how a technology is accepted or rejected by learners.

1.3. Does not deal with how a piece of technology works functionally, but how learners socially accept it.

1.4. Acts as a trial and error process that can be applied to all schools/ learning facilities on a large scale.

1.5. Connected to Media Ecology

2. Media Ecology

2.1. Basically just the study of how media plays a role in a society

2.2. In today's digital age, technology is the most important tool available to us.

2.3. Technology shapes our understanding of our world and the way we learn in it.

2.4. Technology can be utilized in many ways to teach such as smartboards or iPads.

2.5. Connected closely with SCOT

3. Philosophy of Teachnology

3.1. It's a fun combination of Philosophy of Teaching and Technology

3.2. It's how technology goes with an individual teachers teaching style in the classroom

3.3. Essentially it how a teacher views technology, which is different for every teacher.

3.4. Any technology involved with learning whether it is in class, or at home learning is addressed by this framework.

3.5. There isn't really a wrong answer to each teacher view on technology since it stems from their values and experiences as human beings.

3.6. Closely linked to SCOT and media ecology.

4. Connectivism

4.1. Knowledge comes from our surrounding, the entire world.

4.2. Pretty much everything we know has been learned from our world.

4.3. People learn when they connect with something, such as learning gravity from watching things fall.

4.4. Learners minds are automatically searching for connections to make in everything they see.

4.5. Connected to Cognitive load and Constructivism

5. Constructivism

5.1. This is the theory that underlines the building blocks of how we store information.

5.2. The learner builds upon previous knowledge and ideas to gain new, and more familiar memories.

5.3. Learning is something that must be actively taken part in.

5.4. Teachers facilitate this process.

5.5. Connected to Cognitive load and Connectivism

6. Cognitive Load

6.1. How our brain learns

6.2. The way our brains store long term memories

6.3. The brain must be nurtured, and not overstimulated

6.4. Working memory is our memory that stores short term ideas, before later becoming long term memory.

6.5. Long term memory is simply the memory that holds anything long term.

6.6. Connected to Constructivism and Connectivism


7.1. Stands for: Technology Pedagogy Content Knowledge

7.2. It is basically the knowledge needed for a teacher to effectively use technology

7.3. It looks at how a teacher uses subject knowledge, teaching knowledge and technology knowledge together to teach

7.4. Essential for every teacher