1. 1. Where did you go?
1.1. I stayed at home.
1.2. I went to ...
1.2.1. England | Germany | France
1.2.2. Italy | Spain | Greece
1.2.3. Turkey | Croatia | Hungary
2. 2. Who went with you?
2.1. I went there ...
2.1.1. alone
2.1.2. with my father | mother | grandpa | grandma
2.1.3. with my neighbour(s) | friend(s)
2.1.4. with my parents | grandparents | brother(s) | sister(s)
2.1.5. with my uncle | aunt
3. 3. How did you get there?
3.1. I | We went there by ...
3.1.1. car | bus
3.1.2. plane
3.1.3. ship | boat
3.1.4. train
4. 4. How long did you stay?
4.1. I | We stayed there for one | two ...
4.1.1. day(s)
4.1.2. month(s)
4.1.3. week(s)
5. 5. What did you do?
5.1. I | We played ...
5.1.1. football | (beach) volleyball
5.1.2. games | cards | ludo | chess
5.1.3. tennis | table tennis | badminton
5.2. I | We travelled around.
5.3. I | We visited | saw ...
5.4. I | We watched TV a lot.
5.5. I | We went ...
5.5.1. hiking | skiing | cross country skiing
5.5.2. shopping | sight-seeing
5.5.3. swimming | diving | surfing | fishing
6. 6. What was the weather like?
6.1. It was ...
6.1.1. bad | cool | cold
6.1.2. nice | good | warm | hot
6.1.3. so so | okay
6.1.4. sunny | foggy | windy | cloudy | rainy
6.1.5. super | fantastic
7. 7. Did you like the food there?
7.1. It tasted ...
7.1.1. good | bad
7.1.2. spicy | hot | boring
7.2. It was ...
7.2.1. awful | not good
7.2.2. delicious | wonderful | good
7.2.3. okay | so so
7.3. Yes, I did. | No, I didn't.
8. 8. Did you buy anything?
8.1. I bought ... for my ...
8.2. I bought myself a | an | some ...
8.2.1. CD(s) | book(s) | postcards
8.2.2. clothes | shoes
8.2.3. necklace | earrings | ring(s)
8.2.4. souvenir(s) | ...