Jimmy Carter

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Jimmy Carter by Mind Map: Jimmy Carter

1. Believed that "our commitment to human rights must be absolute." He wanted every human being to have the rights and freedoms granted by th Declaration of Independance.

2. Although Carter was not directily involved in any significant scandals, many members of his administration were involved in scandals.

2.1. Bert Lance - Carter's budget director

2.1.1. Forced to resign for illegal banking irreguarities in Carter's budget in 1977

2.2. Andrew Young - US Ambassador for the UN

2.2.1. He resigned in 1979 for misconduct involving the relations with the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO).

3. Scandals

4. Foreign Relations

4.1. Camp David Accords

4.1.1. The meeting Jimmy Carter set up between Sadat and Begin at Camp David Presidential Retreat. The meeting resulted in peace and recognition between Egypt and Israel and the two foreign ambassadors won the Nobel Peace Prize

4.2. Iranian Hostage Crisis -

4.2.1. Due to the US support of the Shah of Iran, a ruler whom some Iranians believe abused and opressed people. During a protest in order to return the Shah to Iran to face punishment, Iranaian Revolutions charged and breached the US Embassy in Tehran, Iran. 53 hostages were taken and held for over a year. Carter's response was weak, and he had little choice in actions. He sent a failed helicopter rescue mission.

5. Domestic Issues

5.1. Pardons of draft dodgers

5.1.1. Within a day of being sworn in as President, Carter issued pardons to thousands of men who had avoided the draft during Vietnam and fled the country. Many of these men returned to the US. This action was not popular among some groups of people.

6. Background

6.1. Was a very honest man. He said "I will never lie to you" to the American people.

6.2. President 1977-1981

6.3. Farmer from Georgia

7. Political Beliefs

7.1. Democrat

8. Defense

8.1. Signed a treaty wit Panama that would hand power of the canal over to Panama in 1999. Many Americans saw Carter's actions as an example of the loss of American power.

9. Economy

9.1. Inflation

9.1.1. Due to the conflict in Iran, the production of oil ws disrupted. This caused the price of many goods to go up in the US.

10. Terrorism

10.1. Iranian Hostage Crisis

10.1.1. Due to the US support of the Shah of Iran, a ruler whom some Iranians believe abused and oppressed people. During a protest in order to return the Shah to Iran to face punishment, Iranian Revolutions charged and breached the US Embassy in Tehran, Iran. 53 hostages were taken and held for over a year.