Business Classification Structure (2)

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Business Classification Structure (2) by Mind Map: Business Classification Structure (2)

1. Purchasing

1.1. Purchasing Management

1.2. Contracts

2. Information Technology

2.1. Projects

3. Exectuive Leadership

3.1. Southcott Pty Ltd Boards

3.2. Strategic Planning and Reporting

3.3. Organisation Risk Assurance

3.4. Governance Committee Board

4. Marketing

4.1. Business Partners

4.1.1. Contracts

5. Team Management

5.1. Adelaide

5.2. Brisbane

5.3. Devenport

5.4. Emerald

5.5. Laverton

5.6. Mackay

5.7. Melbourne

5.8. Newcastle

5.9. Perth

5.10. Sydney

5.11. Assembly (BTS)

5.12. Athol Park (PRD)

5.13. Betaswage Pty Ltd

5.14. Control Systems Group (CSG)

5.15. Taree (TRE)

5.16. Wingham (MNF)

6. National Warehouse

7. Manufacturing

7.1. Hydraulics

7.2. Fluid Connectors

7.3. Hydraulics and Crimpers

8. Business Operations

9. Finance

9.1. Payroll

9.2. Accounts Receivable

9.3. Accounts Payable

9.4. Credit Control

10. People and Culture

10.1. Employee Assistance Program

10.2. Employee Benefits

10.3. Employee Webinars

10.4. Employee/ Staff Files

10.5. Employee Shoutout Notification

10.6. Workplace Gender Equality Report

11. Quality, Health, Safety, and Environment

11.1. Policy and Procedures

11.2. Quality

11.3. Work Health & Safety

11.4. National Health & Safety Commitee

11.5. Environemental Program

11.6. Preferred QHSE Contractors

11.7. Safe Operating Procedures

11.8. Health, Safety and Wellbeing

11.9. Emergency Preparedness