Procurasync Backend

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Procurasync Backend by Mind Map: Procurasync Backend

1. **Containerization**

1.1. Docker

2. **Cloud**

2.1. Amazon Web Services [AWS]

2.1.1. S3

2.1.2. EC2

2.1.3. CloudWatch

2.1.4. ECR

2.1.5. RDS

2.1.6. Secret Manager

3. **Architecture**

3.1. **Solid Prinicples**

3.1.1. To some extent

3.2. **MVC**

3.3. Pub/Sub

4. **Documentations**

4.1. **Postman**

5. **CI/CD**

5.1. *Travis/Githib Actions**

5.2. Jenkisn

6. **Programming Langauge**

6.1. Typescript

7. **Runtime**

7.1. Node.Js

8. **Database & ORM**

8.1. SQL

8.1.1. Postgres

8.2. ORM

8.2.1. Typeorm

9. **Framwork**

9.1. Nest.Js

10. **Version Control Tool**

10.1. **Git**