Camera redesign

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Camera redesign by Mind Map: Camera redesign

1. Cost

1.1. far less than digital camera

1.2. no significant monetary loss if damaged

2. Durability

2.1. Flameproof

2.2. Waterproof

2.3. Shock resistant

2.4. Water resistant

2.5. Scatch proof lens

3. Go Green

3.1. Recyclable Material

3.2. Recyclable Battery

3.3. Solar Powered

4. Photo Specific Features

4.1. Flash

4.2. Sooting Modes

4.3. Resolution

4.4. Zoom

4.5. Night Vision

4.6. Anti-Fog Lens

4.7. Red Eye Reduction

4.8. Wide Lens

5. Style

5.1. Body Color

5.2. Size

5.3. Ergonomic

5.4. Key Ring

5.5. Team logo

5.6. Changable Face

6. Other Features

6.1. Bluetooth

6.2. Digital Screen

6.3. Exposures

6.4. Battery life

6.5. networking

6.6. Floating

6.7. Video

6.8. Reloadable Film

6.9. Memory Chip