Future careers

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Future careers by Mind Map: Future careers

1. Computer programmer

1.1. Pros

1.1.1. 1. High job satisfaction

1.1.2. 2. Can open your own business

1.1.3. 3. Flexible hours

1.1.4. 4. Lots of career paths

1.1.5. 5. Lots of pay

1.2. Cons

1.2.1. 1. Lots of part time positions

1.2.2. 2. Health problems

1.2.3. 3. Lots of code reading

1.2.4. 4. Really competitive

1.2.5. 5. Lots of changes in tech

2. Chemist engineer

2.1. Pros

2.1.1. 1. High salary for grads

2.1.2. 2. Lots of industry's to work in

2.1.3. 3. Good job security

2.1.4. 4. Really fun mixing chemicals

2.1.5. 5. Get to work with top chemists

2.2. Cons

2.2.1. 1. Lack of social life

2.2.2. 2. Not much job growth in future

2.2.3. 3. Health problems

2.2.4. 4. Must meet deadline

2.2.5. 5. Need a master to become a chemist

3. Pardeep Takhar

4. Similar career

5. Doctor

5.1. Pros

5.1.1. 1. Lots of salry

5.1.2. 2. Give to the community

5.1.3. 3. Lots of great benefits

5.1.4. 4. 2-3 weeks vacation

5.1.5. 5. Get to meet nice patients

5.2. Cons

5.2.1. 1. Lots of hours

5.2.2. 2. Lots of stress

5.2.3. 3. Getting lonely

5.2.4. 4. Lots of education (12 years)

5.2.5. 5. Huge debt after education

6. INTJ - The Scientists (both)

6.1. Will work long and hard to fulfill duties

6.2. Prefer to work alone, but work well in teams when necessary

6.3. Natural leaders

7. Police officer

7.1. Pros

7.1.1. 1. Lots of teamwork

7.1.2. 2. Job security

7.1.3. 3. Nice retirement plan

7.1.4. 4. Flexible hours

7.1.5. 5. Good service to community

7.2. Cons

7.2.1. 1. Lots of work hours

7.2.2. 2. Overtime is regular

7.2.3. 3. Very dangerous

7.2.4. 4. Respect for cops is declining

7.2.5. 5. Have to deal with really difficult people

8. Engineer

8.1. Pros

8.1.1. 1. High pay

8.1.2. 2. Lots of opportunities

8.1.3. 3. People love a challenge

8.1.4. 4. Use your knowledge for home

8.1.5. 5. Involved in good discovery's

8.2. Cons

8.2.1. 1. Lots of math

8.2.2. 2. Low starting salary

8.2.3. 3. Can get really boring

8.2.4. 4. Lots of educational expenses

8.2.5. 5. Costs lots of money to open a engineer business

9. Navraj Johal