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Digital Tools by Mind Map: Digital Tools

1. Serbia

1.1. Vocabla

2. Norway

3. Italy

4. Chile

4.1. Youtube


4.3. Moodle

4.4. wordpress

4.5. ibooks

4.6. canvas

4.7. skype

4.8. Captivate

4.9. Adobe Acrobat

4.10. Power point

4.11. Vimeo

4.12. Microsoft word

4.13. wikis

4.14. dropbox

4.15. googledocs

4.16. prezi

4.17. e-mail

4.18. Power point

5. twitter

6. Romania

6.1. Socrative

6.2. Edmodo

6.3. PowToon

6.4. Zaption

6.5. EdPuzzle

6.6. Padlet

6.7. Audacity

6.8. Jing

6.9. ScrencastOMatic

7. China

8. France

9. Samoa

10. Zimbabwe

11. Nepal

12. Netherlands

13. Fiji

14. Online videos (vimeo & youtube)

15. Amolto Call Recorder

16. VideoScribe

17. United Kingdom

17.1. Padlet

17.2. Adobe Slate

17.3. Flipboard

17.4. Pinterest

17.5. Moodle

17.6. PollEverywhere

17.7. GoogleDocs

17.8. Twitter

17.9. YouTube

17.10. TedEd

17.11. SurveyMonkey

17.12. Wordpress

17.13. Prezi

17.14. PowToon

17.15. KhanAcademy

17.16. W3Schools

17.17. CodeAcademy

17.18. Office365

17.19. CamStudio

17.20. Doodle

17.21. Quiz Slides

17.22. Adobe Presenter

17.23. Skype

17.23.1. FaceTime

17.24. Box of broadcasts

17.25. Adapt Learning

17.26. Animoto

17.27. Canva

17.28. WeVideo

17.29. OfficeMix

17.30. Timeline.JS

17.31. Mentimeter

17.32. AccelaReader

17.33. Classflow

17.34. Hot Potatoes

17.35. Cute PDF Pro

17.36. Socrative

17.37. 123D Catch

18. USA

18.1. Evernote

18.2. Prezi

18.3. Online videos

18.4. Kahoot

18.5. iPad

18.6. Nearpod

18.7. SoftChalk

18.8. ExamSoft

18.9. Socrative

18.10. DropBox

18.11. Panopto

18.12. Zoom

18.13. Camtasia

18.14. VoiceThread

18.15. Office Mix

18.16. Explain Everything

18.17. Canva

19. Belgium

20. Sweden

21. Dropbox

22. Russia

22.1. President

23. Uruguay

23.1. Dropbox

23.2. Google

23.2.1. Driver

23.2.2. Gmail

23.3. Moodle

23.4. Skype

24. India1

24.1. Kerala

24.1.1. Thalassery

24.1.2. Mahe

24.2. TN

24.3. Delhi

25. Morocco

25.1. interactive boards

25.2. DVD Roms

25.3. LMS / VLE

25.4. Google Groups

25.5. eMail

25.6. Hotpotatoes

25.7. Powerpoint

25.8. Youtube

25.9. Activeteach

26. Argentina

26.1. Video Players (Windows media, VLC, etc.)

26.2. E-mail

26.3. Dropbox

26.4. Google Drive

26.4.1. Social Networks (facebook, snapchat, instagram)

26.5. Online campus

26.6. Microsoft Word

26.7. Todaysmeet

26.8. Padlet

26.9. Prezi

26.10. Moodle

27. Adobe Connect

28. Australia

28.1. prezi

28.2. videoscribe

28.3. iSee

28.4. Facebook

28.5. Socrative

28.6. Dragon dictate

28.6.1. Camtasia

28.7. Storyline

28.8. Captivate

28.9. Blackboard

28.10. Microsoft Office

28.11. Explain Everything

28.12. Cavnas

28.13. Dropbox

28.14. Google drive

28.15. Skype

28.16. YouTube

28.17. Vimeo

28.18. iBooks

28.19. Piazza

28.20. Blackboard collaborate

28.21. Ink2Go

29. Kaltura

30. Saudi Arabia

30.1. Quizlet

31. Venezuela

31.1. ThingLink

32. Malaysia

32.1. EdPuzzle

32.2. Blendspace

32.3. Wevideo

32.4. prezi

32.5. TedEd

32.6. Kahoot

32.7. Padlet

32.8. Polleverywhere

32.9. surveymonkey

33. Philipines

34. Singapore

34.1. TalentLMS

34.2. Kahoot

34.3. PollEv

35. Germany

35.1. Prezi, Power Point

35.2. LMS-Systems: MOODLE, ILIAS, Blackboard, CLIX, OLAT

35.3. Dropbox

35.4. Skype

35.5. Kizoa

35.6. Hot Potatoes

35.7. Club EFL in simple words

35.8. Quizlet

35.9. typo3

35.10. Homapages for free:,,

35.11. WizIQ

35.12. Storyline

35.13. Flipboard

35.14. Calendar: Acuityscheduling, Doodle

35.15. Livenote, skrbl

35.16. Google: google docs, google search, google notebook and more

35.17. Nanolearning

35.18. Beavercity

35.19. Mindmaps: Mindmeister, Mind42, MindMup, Mindmapfree

35.20. Penzu

35.21. Audacity

35.22. Vimeo

35.23. Lingofox

35.24. Open Online Ressourses like exercises for German as a 2. Language and other useful tools for students (konjugator, dictionaries, e-books, grammar-tools)

35.25. Evernote

35.26. YouTube

36. Peru

37. Brazil

37.1. Online videos

37.2. Dropbox

37.3. Google drive

37.4. Social Networks

37.5. skype

37.6. wiki (pbworks)

37.7. Google Hangouts

37.8. Whatsapp

37.9. Audacity

37.10. Youtube

38. ETwinning

38.1. Community of Teachersin Europe than can invite teachersfor other countries

39. Portugal

39.1. Google drive

39.2. Kahoot

39.3. Dropbox

39.4. Voicethread

39.5. Padlet

39.6. Tricider

39.7. Prezi

40. Toondoo

40.1. Comics

41. Slovakia

41.1. Vocaroo

41.2. Moodle

41.3. YouTube videos

42. New Zealand

42.1. Totara

42.2. Blackboard

42.3. Moodle

42.4. Google docs/drive

42.5. Office 365

42.6. Piazza

42.7. Turnitin

42.8. Clicker/Pooling apps

42.9. Adobe Suite

42.10. Canvas

42.11. Video recording tools

43. Cambodia

43.1. Google Docs

43.2. Google Search

43.3. Google Drive

43.4. Word

43.5. Powerpoint

43.6. ClassDojo

43.7. Youtube

43.8. Edutect

43.9. Edmodo

43.10. Pinterest

43.11. Pydio

43.12. Quizlet

43.13. teachtci

43.14. NGReach

44. Google Class

45. India

45.1. Slack

45.2. Powerpoint

45.3. GoToWebinar

45.4. Trello

45.5. Lync/Skype

45.6. Storyline

45.7. YouTube Videos

46. Greece

47. Egypt

48. Oman

49. Thailand

50. Spain

50.1. Kahoot

50.2. Collaborize Platform

50.3. Wikis

50.4. Web quests