Educational Technology

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Educational Technology by Mind Map: Educational Technology

1. Did you Know, 2013? (Shift Happens)

1.1. Technology changes the way we eat, travel and talk!

1.2. China will soon become to #1 English speaking country in the world.

1.3. Employees are having more jobs more frequently, and staying at jobs less time than ever before.

1.4. We are currently preparing kids for jobs that do not exist yet!

1.5. The US Federal Government has invested far less money in Research and Innovation in Education that Nintendo invested in its own research and development.

1.6. 4 Generations are working side by side! Forms of communication are very different. Letters, call, email, text.

1.7. Large companies are outsourcing IT centers to India.

1.8. 9/10 teenagers have a computer, mobile phone, and console.

1.9. If Facebook were a country, it would be the 3rd largest!

1.10. Online dating is on the rise, however, 1/5 divorces are blamed on Facebook.

1.11. Technology is so quickly advancing, half of what college students learn will be outdated by their 3rd year of college.

2. Three Phases of Educational Technology

2.1. PHASE 1- Simply replaces the chalkboard. Maybe something simple as an overhead, PowerPoint, video presentations,

2.2. Once teachers become comfortable with technology is phase 1, they then move to PHASE 2.

2.2.1. Text books are replaced with electronic forms of information. Students often have use of their own laptop. Often used to write papers or do worksheets. Important part is that students have their own form of online resources as opposed to paper encyclopedias ect.

2.3. PHASE 3- Students begin producing information rather than consuming it.

2.3.1. Product can be a movie, a research paper, podcast, Student becomes a publisher with their information. Students use this to publish to classrooms or the web, bringing their work to a wider audience. Students become audience and peer reviewer. Great for engagement and collaboration!

3. A Vision of K-12 Students Today

3.1. Expect to be able to use technology as a part of daily activities!

3.2. Expect to creat with technology!...homework, projects, music ect

3.3. Technology to enhance

3.4. Chinese honor students>Citizens in North America

3.5. Teach students to think, evaluate and apply.

3.6. Students want to be ENGAGED!! They are digital learners!

4. Instructional Technology: Looking Backward, Thinking Forward

4.1. Thomas Edison believed the motion picture would take over the majority use of textbook. (1922)

4.2. By 1930, university students were able to listen to lectures by radio.

4.2.1. By 1933, 52% of schools were using silent films, and 3% using sound films.

4.3. Technology rapidly advanced the training for the military during WWII.

4.4. Chairman of Digital Equipment Corp. believed no one would want a computer in their home.

4.5. Late 1980's- Discman and Walkman appeared. School starting using small computers more often. PowerPoint came around, and more programming became available.

4.6. 2000's- Ipods, Laptops, iPhones..more technology begins to appear!

4.6.1. Schools begin to use SmartBoards and other software to increase learning online such as BlackBoard.

4.7. "There is always something new, change is a constant"