Copy of My PLD and I

1. Activities with my PLD
1.1. 1. Browsing and research
1.2. 2. Communicate with teachers and friends via email
1.3. 3. Create surveys for project work
1.4. 4. Create google documents and worksheets
1.5. 5. Submit homework online
1.6. 6. Sharing and collaboration using Dropbox and Mindmeister
2. Do's
2.1. 1. As part of a caring community, do remind your friends if they put themselves at risk of flouting the rules
2.2. 2. set-up regular virus scans to run the PLD
2.3. 3. Defragmentation
2.3.1. rearranges the files on the hard drive to allow for faster retrieval of information.
2.4. 4. Physical cleaning of PLD
2.4.1. Use compressed air to blow out dust accumulated in PLD
2.5. 5. Have regular scheduled backups of data
2.5.1. It is important in case of unwanted hardware failure.
2.6. 6. Have privacy settings
2.7. 7. Use only trusted websites
2.8. 8. Use strong passwords and remember to sign out
3. Average Time Spent on my PLD
3.1. 1. Browsing
3.1.1. 30 mins
3.2. 2. Research
3.2.1. 60 mins
3.3. 3. Communicate with my teachers and friends via email
3.3.1. 30 mins
3.4. 4. Use S Note for writing activity
3.4.1. 45 mins
3.5. 5. Create google documents and worksheets
3.5.1. 30 mins
3.6. 6. Submit homework and project online
3.6.1. 90 mins
4. Don'ts
4.1. 1. • leave your m-learning device in the classroom in plain sight even though the classroom is locked
4.1.1. ensure that your m-learning device is securely locked in your personal lockers in the classroom
4.2. 2. • Access sites that are inappropriate in the school environment
4.3. 3. • Transmit any material including and not limited to copyrighted, threatening or obscene material in violation of school rules or the law
4.4. 4. • Conduct or participate in any activity or computer activity that may reduce or negatively impact the safety and security of students, their personal property and school property including arson, vandalism and theft
4.5. 5. • Conduct or participate in any computer activity that may disrupt the educational environment
4.5.1. Examples are: playing of games playing of music and videos blogging, irrelevant surfing and online chatting during lessons engage in unlawful activities such as hacking