Centurion...Discovery of a Giant Tree

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Centurion...Discovery of a Giant Tree by Mind Map: Centurion...Discovery of a Giant Tree

1. Texture

1.1. rough bark

1.1.1. lower on tree

1.2. smooth trunk

1.2.1. higher on tree

1.3. .

2. Colour

2.1. pale grey

2.2. brown

3. Position

3.1. Tasmania

3.1.1. Australia

3.2. forest

3.2.1. forestry

4. Shape

4.1. narrower

4.2. base

4.2.1. wide

4.3. branches

4.3.1. clumps

4.4. straight

5. Size

5.1. 101 meters

5.2. 4 meters

5.2.1. diameter

5.3. tallest

6. Number

6.1. only

6.2. "Centurion"

6.2.1. ancient Roman officer in charge of 100 soldiers

7. Doing

7.1. grown

7.2. re-sprouted