High School College Search
by Patricia Leonard

1. Schools
1.1. 4yr School
1.2. 2 yr. School
1.3. Public or Private
1.4. Community College
1.5. Distance Learning
1.6. Study Aboard
1.7. Vocational or Trade
2. Preparing the applications
2.1. Resumes
2.2. Recommendation Letters
2.3. Financial aid forms
2.4. Personal Essays
3. Attend info sessions or school fairs/Talk with counselors
4. Planning Your Timeline
4.1. Freshman Year
4.1.1. Meet Gudiance counselor Apply 4 Scholarships Look for app. process
4.2. Sophomore Year
4.2.1. Get in involved in Community Make a list of schools to meet Collect brochures, pamphlets, etc
4.3. Junior Year
4.3.1. Register for tests(SAT, etc.) Visit College Fairs Evaluate schools u considered
4.4. Senior Year
4.4.1. Continue to visit schools Keep filling out app. Meet reps
5. Scholarships
5.1. Academic Scholarship
5.2. Average Academic Performance
5.3. Athletics Scholarships
5.4. Creative Scholarships
5.5. Usual Scholarships
5.6. Scholarships for Minorities
5.7. Scholarships for Women
5.8. Community Service Scholarships
6. Grants
6.1. Need Based Grant
6.2. Merit Based
6.3. Federal Grnts
6.3.1. Pell
6.3.2. G.I. Bill
6.3.3. FSEOG(Federal Supplemental Education Opportunity Grant)