American Subcultures & Socializations

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American Subcultures & Socializations by Mind Map: American Subcultures & Socializations

1. Amish

1.1. Benefits of this lifestyle

1.2. Downside of this lifestyle

2. Homeschooling

2.1. Benefits of this

2.2. Downside of this

2.3. What will happen to the kids

3. Extreme Sports & Talent parents

3.1. Benefits of this kind of parenting

3.2. Examples/What does it look like

3.3. Downside of this kind of parenting

3.4. What will happen to the kids

4. Polygamy

4.1. Benefits of this kind of parenting

4.2. Examples/What does it look like

4.3. Downside of this kind of parenting

4.4. What will happen to these kids