The Great Gatsby: Student assignment

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The Great Gatsby: Student assignment by Mind Map: The Great Gatsby: Student assignment

1. John Green's Crash Course. Feel free to use these links to assist you.



2. Gatsby is completely in love with Daisy. Some would say that he is obsessed with her. Describe your opinions using the subpoints to the right to guide you. Worth 20points.

2.1. Is Daisy as perfect as Gatsby makes her out to be. Explain your answer. 10points

2.2. Would you describe Gatsby's feelings for Daisy as love or obsession? Explain. 10 points

3. Nick describes Gatsby as "having an extraordinary gift for hope." This question is worth 30points. 10 points for each.

3.1. Do you think that this hope destroys Gatsby or makes him who he is?10pts

3.2. What does this hope "give" Gatsby? 10points

3.3. What does this hope "cost" Gatsby? 10points

4. Was Jay Gatsby really "great"? Give your response and support it by using at least 3 examples from the text. This must be at least 25 sentences long. Worth 50 points.

4.1. High Priority

4.2. Medium Priority

4.3. Low Priority