Effective Teaching

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Effective Teaching by Mind Map: Effective Teaching

1. People Skills

1.1. Good at directing students.

1.2. Communicates well.

1.3. Works well with other teachers.

1.4. Able to work well with parents/guardians.

2. Leadership Skills

2.1. Public Speaking skills

2.2. Ability to teach newer teachers

2.3. Good at directing students.

3. Creativity and Innovation

3.1. Creative lessons.

3.2. Using technology in new ways.

3.3. New approaches to traditional lessons.

4. Collaboration

4.1. Ask other teachers advice.

4.2. Create cross-classroom projects with other teachers.

4.3. Plan lessons according to other classroom progress so friends can help each other on homework.

5. Assessment and Adjustment

5.1. Adjust lessons based on past performance.

5.2. Focus or return on classroom problem areas.

5.3. Provide student-specific help with problem areas.

5.4. Provide or suggest tutoring if necessary.

6. Teaching Approach - Critical Thinking

6.1. Student-Oriented Learning vs Lecture

6.2. Where Teacher interest is - is their heart in it?

7. Classroom Management

7.1. Student Focus

7.2. Student Respect

7.3. Safe Learning Environment

7.4. Few Distractions

7.5. Comfortable Environment

8. Content Knowledge

8.1. Ability to Answer Student Questions

8.2. Knowledge of how to access information you don't have in your mind.

8.3. Knowledge of how to use technology

8.4. Knowledge of how to construct lessons

9. Patience and Compassion

9.1. Understanding of childhood needs and problems

9.2. Aware of at-home issues that impact in-school performance.

9.3. Willingness to provide a listening ear.

9.4. Looking out for your students, reporting abuse if suspected.

10. Close Attention to Student Needs

10.1. Student Oriented Learning vs Lecrture

10.2. Adjusted Content Difficulty

10.3. Adjusted Content Interests

10.4. Answer Questions Students Have

11. Funding Management

11.1. Frugal when purchasing classroom materials.

11.2. Utilize free materials.

11.3. Research cost-effective teaching methods.

12. Use of Free Resources

12.1. Free lessons.

12.2. Free pictures/video/audio.

12.3. Free games/programs.

12.4. Free worksheets/tests.

12.5. Grants for materials.