RASTI - International Standards

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RASTI - International Standards por Mind Map: RASTI - International Standards

1. Terminology

1.1. TC442 WG1 Terminology

1.1.1. Link to ISO TC59/SC13

1.2. CEN/TC 350 on Sustainability of Construction Works

1.2.1. Terminology

1.3. ISO TC211

1.3.1. ISO/DIS 19146 Geographic information -- Cross-domain vocabularies

1.3.2. ISO/TS 19150-1:2012 Geographic information -- Ontology

1.3.3. ISO/CD 19150-4 Geographic information -- Ontology -- Part 4: Service ontology

1.4. ISO/TC 59

1.4.1. SC 2 – Terminology and harmonization of languages ISO 6707-1:2017 (en) - Buildings and civil engineering works — Vocabulary

1.4.2. SC 14 – Design life ISO/TR 15686-11:2014(en) - Buildings and constructed assets — Service life planning — Part 11: Terminology

1.4.3. SC 15 – Performance criteria for single family attached and detached dwellings

1.4.4. SC 17 – Sustainability in buildings and civil engineering works (formerly Sustainability in building construction)

1.4.5. ISO/TC 59 Ad hoc Group (AHG) on Terminology

2. Process

2.1. buildingSMART

2.1.1. Regulatory Room Roadmap

2.2. CEN TC442

2.2.1. WG3 Processes EIR - Exchange Information Reguirements CDEP - Common Data Environment Processes BEP - BIM Execution Plan CDE - Common Data Environment ISO 19650 Guidelines

2.3. ISO TC59/SC13

2.3.1. ISO 19650 ISO/DIS 19650-1.2 [Under development] Organization of information about construction works -- Information management using building information modelling ISO/DIS 19650-2.2 [Under development] Organization of information about construction works -- Information management using building information modelling -- Part 2: Delivery phase of the assets ISO/AWI 19650-3 [Under development] Organization of information about construction works -- Information management using building information modelling -- Part 3: Operational phase of assets ISO/NP 19650-5 [Under development] Organization of information about construction works -- Information management using building information modelling -- Part 5: Specification for security-minded building information modelling, digital built environments and smart asset management

2.3.2. ISO 22263:2008 Organization of information about construction works -- Framework for management of project information

2.3.3. Development of building data related standards

2.3.4. Building information models - Information delivery manual

2.3.5. Product data for building services systems model

2.3.6. Implementation of collaborative working over the asset lifecycle

2.3.7. ISO 29481 Building information modelling — Information delivery manual

2.3.8. ISO/TS 12911 Framework for building information modelling (BIM) guidance

2.4. UK

2.4.1. BS 8536-1:2016 – Briefng for design and construction. Code of practice for facilities management (Buildings infrastructure).

2.4.2. BS 8536-2 – Briefng for design and construction. Code of practice for asset management (Linear and geographical infrastructure).

3. Information Exchange

3.1. buildingSMART

3.1.1. IFC Common Schema

3.1.2. ifcOWL - OWL representation of the Industry Foundation Classes (IFC) schema

3.1.3. IFC Alignment – Deployment

3.1.4. IFC Roads

3.1.5. IFC Bridge

3.1.6. IFC Rail

3.1.7. IFC Tunnel

3.1.8. Port & Harbours

3.1.9. Integrated Built Environment Life Cycle Model

3.1.10. Infra Asset Management

3.2. CEN TC442

3.2.1. WG2 Data Exchange LOIN

3.3. ISO

3.3.1. ISO TC59/SC13 Organization and digitization of information about buildings and civil engineering works, including building information modelling (BIM) ISO 16739 Industry Foundation Classes (IFC) for data sharing in the construction and facility management industries ISO/PAS 12006 Framework for object-oriented information exchange ISO 21597-1&2 Information Containers ISO 16354 Guidelines for knowledge libraries and object libraries

3.3.2. ISO TC59/SC2 ISO 6707 Buildings and civil engineering works -- Vocabulary

3.3.3. ISO TC211 Schema ISO/NP TS 19139-1 XML schema implementation Geografic Information ISO/DIS 19112 Geographic information -- Spatial referencing by geographic identifiers ISO 19115-1:2014 Geographic information - Metadata - Part 1: Fundamentals ISO 19119:2016 Geographic information – Services ISO 19125-1:2004 Geographic information - Simple feature access - Part 1: Common architecture ISO 19125-2:2004 Geographic information - Simple feature access - Part 2: SQL option ISO/CD 19126 Geographic information -- Feature concept dictionaries and registers ISO 19131:2007 + Amd 1:2011 Geographic information - Data product specifications ISO 19136:2007 Geographic information - Geography Markup Language (GML) ISO/TS 19139:2007 Geographic information - Metadata - XML schema implementation ISO 19157:2013 Geographic information - Data quality ISO/AWI 19166 Geographic information -- BIM to GIS conceptual mapping (B2GM)

3.3.4. ISO/TC 184/SC 4 WG: Development of building data related standards

3.4. OGC

3.4.1. Catalogue Service

3.4.2. Filter encoding

3.4.3. Geography Markup Language (GML)

3.4.4. Styled Layer Descriptor (SLD)

3.4.5. Table Joining Service (TJS)

3.4.6. Web Coverage Service (WCS)

3.4.7. Web Feature Service (WFS)

3.4.8. Web Map Context (WMC)

3.4.9. Web Map Service (WMS)

3.4.10. Web Processing Service (WPS)

4. Classifications

4.1. ISO 81346-12 Reference Designation Systems

4.1.1. Sweden - CoClass

4.1.2. Denmark - CCS

4.1.3. Lithuania

4.1.4. Germany

4.2. UK

4.2.1. BS 8541-1:2012 – Library objects for architecture, engineering and construction. Identi cation and classication. Code of practice.

4.2.2. BS 8541-3:2012 – Library objects for architecture, engineering and construction. Shape and measurement. Code of practice.

5. Product Data

5.1. CEN TC442

5.1.1. WG4 Product Data Templates TG1 TG2

5.2. CEN

5.2.1. CEN/WS ‘Smart CE marking’

5.3. ISO TC59/SC13

5.3.1. ISO 16354:2013 Guidelines for knowledge libraries and object libraries

5.3.2. ISO 16757 Data structures for electronic product catalogues for building services

5.4. buildingSMART

5.4.1. buildingSMART Data Dictionary (bSDD)

5.5. ETIM

5.5.1. BMEcat ETIM

5.6. Other

5.6.1. VDI 3805 product data exchange of HVAC or Sanitary components