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Goldstein by Mind Map: Goldstein

1. Gangs and Violence

1.1. Some young mean didn't want to be in gangs and tried very hard to stay out of the business

1.2. Drug chiefs are important people, usually from the area and very well known.

1.3. Violence and Crimes occurred differently depending on the individuals race and social status.

1.4. Police men are also currupt

1.5. "Local poor communities would similarly have to develop some sort of force to protect themselves from the daily injustices in their own context, as well as from unprotected contact with police."

2. Childhood

2.1. Parents have to watch out for the lively hood and welfare of their young

2.2. Parents do not want their children in gangs.

2.3. Gloria kids were very poor and they lived in poverty.

3. Introduction

3.1. Goldstein used humor to consolidate the intersections among the hierarchies of race, class, gender and sexuality at work within poverty-stricken communities in Rio de Janerio

3.2. In order to protect the identity of individuals throughout the book, some areas and names are fictionilized

3.3. Humor and laughter, even when they admittedly baffled Goldstein, always incited her to delve deeper.

3.4. The laughter was not what she thought is was, she did research and realized there was more to what seemed like humor.

3.5. Goldstein was raised in a family of homegrown comedians.

3.6. Took place in a shantytown poverty stricken community

4. Chapter 4 and Chapter 5

4.1. Gloria lost her first born- She did not shed a tear over his death

4.2. Poor people are often crimilized by the upper class people in society

4.3. Some people hide behind religion.

5. What's so funny about rape?

5.1. Marilia was abused by her step father.

5.2. Alzira was forced to have a mans baby

5.3. Eliana worked as a sex toy and used her partners to get what she wanted.

5.4. Anita and Claudia are raped in Gloria house. They were only 14 and 15 years old.

5.4.1. Anita was not a virgin, but she screamed a lot during the rape, so that Gloria would not suspect that she wasn't a virgin, since Claudia was screaming a lot. Kind of sick but she think its funny that Anita was fake screaming while being raped so her mom wouldn't think she was already sexually active.

5.4.2. Claudia was a virgin

5.5. "although procedural democratic practices may have returned for the middle classes, nothing inherent in the transition to democracy guarantees either procedural or substantive democracy for the lower classes.

5.6. Marilia wanted to kill Cleos, because he cheated on her and abused her.

5.6.1. Celso was a drug-user so she figured they would just think it was a drug overdose.

6. Partial Truths or the Carnivalization of Desire?

6.1. Brazilians are very open about their sexuality

6.1.1. James Green suggests that "subcultures of effeminate and noneffeminate men with homoerotic desires existed prior to the introduction of Western European medicolegal ideas."

6.2. Young teenagers are very sexual with older men

6.3. Although teens are sleeping with older men they expect women to be virgins when that begin the relationship.

6.3.1. Children are sometimes abused by step-fathers, uncles, etc..

6.4. Women are very sexual and like to somewhat tease the men in Feliciadae Eterna

6.5. There are two different forms of feminism but the struggle of the gay women against men and the attempt to reorganize the country makes it very difficult.

6.6. Soneca was a very seductive women

6.7. Here again we read about the upper an dlower class. Lower class are mostly gay men and the upper class comes from Eurpoe and north america

6.8. "Parker points out, boys are sometimes initiated into anal eroticism with other boys through such same-sex games as fazendo meia or troca-troca. But these homoerotic games are usually initiated by older and stronger males who exert their power over younger and weaker boys, claiming masculine sexual identities for themselves in the process of violating and symbolically feminizing others."

6.9. "Among working-class Cariocas, it is considered unhealthy for men to go too long without sex: it can provoke insanity."

6.10. "Sacanagem is often applied in the context of sexuality that borders on the transgressive; in the context of focus-group interviews with women, it came up in discussions about their feelings about anal sex. For some, it was fun and pleasurable. For others, it became a point of contention because men seemed to request it, whereas women usually expressed more ambivalence about it."

7. Chapter 1

7.1. Zeca was someone Goldstein knew who died, he died about three years prior.

7.2. Carnivals meanings are multiple and shifting with regard to community and historical context.

7.3. The Carnivals are not just a time of laughter and forgetting but a time of remembering.

7.4. Carnival is a ritual where the poor take the center stage to review the elite culture. The poorer society wears costumes and parade about the street.

7.5. Laughter reveals the fault lines in social relations- Goldsteiln believes.

8. Laughter

8.1. Laughter reveals the fault lines in social relations-

9. Chapter 2 and Chapter 3

9.1. `

9.2. Gloria was in a lot of struggle, she worked hard just to feed her children and her adopted children.

9.2.1. Wages include getting paid for 5 wages when working a 6 day work week

9.3. Gloria worker 14 - 15 hours a day in order to provide coffee and bread to her children.

9.3.1. Gloria was a house cleaner

9.4. Race and Racism was a touchy subject matter

9.5. the structures of racism are present in everyday experiences. Because their existence and significance are often conveyed through indirect forms of communication—black-humored jokes and coded silence

9.6. Despite the abundance of discourses about certain aspects of sex, many women's discourses on sexuality are silenced by a prevailing sexo e bom (sex is good) Despite the abundance of discourses about certain aspects of sex, many women's discourses on sexuality are silenced by a prevailing sexo e bom (sex is good)

9.7. Brazil celebrates racial mixture

9.8. Fry notes that Brazilians see their races and a composition of multiple races rather than just as black or white,

9.9. Blacks

9.9.1. Whites Mixed The lighter you are the more successful you are They are also considered upper class Considered the upper class in society These individuals will gain more access to the education system

9.9.2. Considered lower class individuals

9.10. Odd how a single culture will deny and look down on individuals from the same country, simple because their skin shade is different.

9.11. Color Blind Erotic Democracies, Black Consciousness Politics, and the Black Cinderella's of Felicidade Eterna