Foreign Language Methods

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Foreign Language Methods by Mind Map: Foreign Language Methods

1. Grammar - translation M.

1.1. To learn to read literature

1.2. Written skils

1.3. Learn by heart

2. Total Physical Response

2.1. Language

2.1.1. Uncosciously

2.1.2. Inductively with commands

2.2. Skils

2.2.1. 1º Listening

2.2.2. 2º Speaking

2.3. Lots of movement

3. Multiples Intelligences

4. Others methods

4.1. Humanistic Approach

4.2. The Silent Way

4.3. Natural Approach

4.4. Etc.

5. Audiolingual M

5.1. Accurate speech

5.2. Oral skils

5.3. Imitation and repetition : DRILLING

6. The communicative approach

6.1. Learn to communicate

6.2. Communicative activites

6.3. All skils

6.3.1. Oral

6.3.2. Written

7. Task Based Approach

7.1. Language to do things

7.2. Task Vs exercise

7.3. Types of activities

7.3.1. Listing

7.3.2. Ordering and sorting

7.3.3. Comparing

7.3.4. Sharing experiences

7.3.5. Problem Solving

7.3.6. Creative task