CPC Multisite Overview

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CPC Multisite Overview by Mind Map: CPC Multisite Overview

1. What is the MultiSite ?

1.1. Definition

1.2. What is a Campus ?

1.3. Governance

1.4. Maintain DNA throughout

2. Why do we want to have Multisites at CPC ?

2.1. Bring the church closer to where people are.

2.2. Do a better job of loving people and reaching them for Jesus. ( Mat 28:18-20 and Mt 22:37 - 40. )

2.3. Overcome the constriction of our horrific parking situation.

2.4. Mobilize more of our people in service.

3. Adventism is different.

4. Why Multisite 2.0 ? Its expanded and given processes

5. Multisite Governance.. Attach Doc

6. CPC Growth Module

6.1. What is it ?

6.1.1. Worship tailored for the unchurched. We invite Breast cancer survivors and build the Sabbath Worship service to honor them.

6.1.2. Fellowship - Community Conversations with congressman

6.1.3. Evangelism - now we have collected names from our events and Worship emphasis Sabbaths.

6.1.4. Make Disciples: Train on to Train another. Repeat

6.1.5. Minister... Love people

7. Communication Plan

7.1. Staff - Continual Updating

7.2. Elders - 11/10/14

7.3. Church Board 11/18/14

7.4. Business Meeting 12/13/14

7.4.1. Church Model Decision to be made in Business Meeting Yes, for Multiple Campuses No More Campuses !!!

7.5. Combined Campuses Meeting 1/11/14