Online Vs. Face-to-Face Teaching

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Online Vs. Face-to-Face Teaching by Mind Map: Online Vs. Face-to-Face Teaching

1. Online Pros: There are unlimited resources, many sites offer tools that allow teachers to assess and group their students, there are often reports for the teachers that allow them to see how the class (as a whole) is doing, and much of the time students are excited to do something that isn't paper/pencil related.

2. Online Cons: Unless the students are being actively guided by the instructor, there is often a lack of motivation. There is less instruction provided by the teacher and, therefore, less direct feedback from the students. If not carefully done, there can be a disconnect between student and teacher.

3. Face-to-Face Pros: You can up your enthusiasm if the students seem disinterested in what you're saying. You can see (almost immediately) whether or not the students understand what you're saying. There's a personal level of interaction happing with the students which not only motivates, but encourages a supportive relationship between students and teacher.

4. Face-to-Face Cons: In a classroom with zero technology integration, you run the risk of not preparing your students for the world in which they live. Students may get tired of pen/paper instruction day after day after day. Students may see you as "old fashioned" or not keeping up with the times, therefore your credibility is lowered and they lose some respect for your position.