The Effect of Affect on Learning: Positive and Negative Environmental Considerations

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The Effect of Affect on Learning: Positive and Negative Environmental Considerations by Mind Map: The Effect of Affect on Learning: Positive and Negative Environmental Considerations

1. Auditory

1.1. Music is soothing if congruent with students' preference

1.2. Music enhances memory, motivation and adds meaning to learning.

1.3. Music encourages creativity, lower stress and better health

1.4. Music becomes a part of new learning on an unconscious level by binding the stimulus with the new learning.

2. Visual

2.1. Lack of stimulus is under-utilizing a powerful tool in the classroom.

2.2. Good lighting and access to clearly legible materials promote student success.

2.3. Inappropriate use of technology or visuals and lack of organization can lead to overstimulation of students' minds.

3. Stress

3.1. Prolonged levels of stress can weaken immune function and health and thus stunt or delay learning.

3.1.1. Sub Idea 1

3.1.2. Sub Idea 2

3.2. Chronic release of chemicals (cortisol, norepinephrine, etc) can damage the physical structure of the brain.

3.3. Prolonged stress agitates the most ancient area of the brain, the amygdala and hippocampus, provoking an adaptive survival response.

4. Environment

4.1. Light, music, technology, collaborative work and other factors invite learning.

4.2. Relaxation has been shown to increase memory, knowledge acquisition and retention.

4.3. Students are more interested in learning in an inviting environment.

5. Stress

5.1. Stress management includes games, relaxation techniques, feeling of safety within the environment.

5.2. One of the greatest assets to stress management is a sense of control and authorship.

5.3. Short, low/moderate/high level stress can actually be an asset to learning, as new knowledge is introduced and chemicals are released to enhance attention to new learning.

5.4. Nervousness or basic discomfort can help students "attend" to tasks.

6. Auditory

6.1. Loud noises increase stress, fear and aggression levels in the classroom

6.2. Music can detract if too much, too loud, not linked to learning or not the preference of the student(s)

6.3. Lack of stimulus (silence) can negatively impact the learning environment.

7. Visual

7.1. Appropriate, meaningful use of technology can enhance educational delivery and create "pictures" in a student's head to reinforce and link to new learning.

7.2. Since 90% of the brain's input is from visual input/stimulus, it is a critical area to leverage for student success.

7.3. Appropriate lighting and bright colors, as well as clear print and other materials, are essential to learning and positive mood.

7.4. Selection of appropriate technology (movies, etc) can be one of the strongest complements to learning

8. Environment

8.1. Loud music or talking, poor lighting, lack of "greenery," and absence of loving relationships shut down learning.

8.2. Inappropriate use of (or lack of) technology can confuse students.

8.3. Violence and resistance to learning are the result of student insecurity with their environment (at home or school)

9. Emotional

9.1. Positive role models and peers create trust in the learning environment.

9.2. Personal development and personality reinforcement create security and confidence and, therefore, positively influence learning.

9.3. Community (friendships) is established in and emotionally safe environment.

9.4. Creativity thrives in an environment that is safe.

10. Emotional

10.1. Fear (for safety, learning deficit or emotional rejection) is one of the greatest deterents to learning.

10.2. Creativity and new learning are stifled in an environment that students perceive as not emotionally safe.

10.3. Immaturity can breed animosity, insecurity and aggression; all sharp impediments to learning.

10.4. Lack of role models and lack of sense of self leaves shallow relational abilities and learning