Trends in Journalism

created by Sebastian Horn (@herrhorn)

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Trends in Journalism por Mind Map: Trends in Journalism

1. New storytelling formats

1.1. Snowfall-like projects

1.2. Listicals

2. Atomisation of content

2.1. Journalism as structured data

2.2. Creating, searching, presenting, consuming this data?

3. Data journalism

3.1. Data visualisations

3.2. (Crowd-) source your own data

3.3. Standard tools and practices

3.4. Data journalism on mobile devices

4. Computational journalism

5. Responsive design

5.1. More devices, more screen sizes

5.2. Single column layout

5.3. Context-sensitive content

5.3.1. Location

5.3.2. Daytime

5.4. Mobile content creation

5.5. Responsive ads

6. Slow journalism

6.1. Long reads

6.2. Re-bundling content into magazines, ebooks

7. Real-time reporting

7.1. Live news reporting and gathering from various sources

7.2. Combine real-time with summaries, context, analysis

8. New data and content sources

8.1. Sensor networks

8.2. Internet of Things

8.3. Big Data

8.4. Drones

8.5. Google Glass

9. Revenues

9.1. Paywall models

9.1.1. Hard paywall

9.1.2. Metered paywall

9.1.3. Premium content

9.1.4. Print/online bundling

9.2. Sponsored content

9.3. Re-bundling of content

9.4. Real-time bidding on ads

9.5. Events and conferences

9.6. Grow globally or locally

9.7. Subsidies from non-journalism business

9.8. Foundation or donor funding

10. Content platforms

10.1. Networks of external contributors

10.2. "Platishers" (Platform + Publisher)

10.3. Content syndication via feeds and APIs

11. Community engagement

11.1. Social Media

11.1.1. Shareable content

11.1.2. Sharing features

11.1.3. Social media monitoring

11.2. Eye-witness reports

11.3. Paragraph annotations

11.4. Cross-platform curation

11.5. Error reporting and fact checking

11.6. Sentiment analysis

12. The death of the homepage

12.1. Every article as entry point to a site

12.2. Homepage as a moving stream of news items

13. Social layer

13.1. Personalisation based on history, interests, friends

13.2. Follow feature for stories, authors, topics

14. Video

14.1. Use of smartphones, DSLRs

14.2. Web-first distribution (not TV)