1.1. African americans-Middle Class Citizens
1.1.1. When Middle Americans do get married, divorce is a reality for too many of them. In fact, 37 percent of Middle American marriages end in divorce within the first 10 years of marriage. By contrast, only 11 percent of college-educated marriages do so.
1.2. Caucasian american-Middles class
1.2.1. it’s been historically strongest among whites and weaker among minorities, and whites tend to enjoy greater family stability as well.- Culture,Class,and the decline of marriage NY times
1.3. It used to be that Middle America was clearly more traditionalist than upper and upper middle class America, more “institutionalist” about marriage and more religious overall,
2.1. have moved away from identifying with an “institutional” model of marriage, which seeks to integrate sex, parenthood, economic cooperation, and emotional intimacy in a permanent union. This model has been overwritten by the “soul mate” model, which sees marriage as primarily a couple-centered vehicle for personal growth, emotional intimacy, and shared consumption that depends for its survival on the happiness of both spouses
2.1.1. Sub Idea 1
2.1.2. Sub Idea 2
2.1.3. African americans-Middle Class Citizens When Middle Americans do get married, divorce is a reality for too many of them. In fact, 37 percent of Middle American marriages end in divorce within the first 10 years of marriage. By contrast, only 11 percent of college-educated marriages do so.
2.2. it does not work out so well for less-educated Americans, who greatly value children, do not have bright educational and professional prospects,
2.3. Black men have the moral obligation to marry black woman
2.3.1. “The Negro Family: The Case for National Action,” which described black family structure as “a tangle of pathology.”