Laughter out of place ch.4-7

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Laughter out of place ch.4-7 by Mind Map: Laughter out of place ch.4-7


1.1. No time for childhood- double standard; "man puts food on the table"

1.2. "street children" organization of death squads; great numbers, living conditions, and extreme vulnerability to physical assault.

1.3. Class differences: rich or poor as creating nurtured or nurturing children.

1.4. For the poor; children can be understood as an economic asset

2. Openness

2.1. being in street: living in street, getting into trouble, being subjected into states institution

2.2. Girls are more physically vulnerable than boys on the street because they are being transformed

2.3. State institutions; just as dangerous as being on street, women were beaten for no reason, abused sexually

3. Chapter 6

3.1. Partial Truths; Carnivalization of Desire

3.2. Felicidad Eterna: disturbing elements that structure everyday sexuality in these places

3.3. Carnivalization of desire=a masculine vision of desire and trasgression

3.4. Cariocas possess a "sex-positive" attitude towards life

3.5. "fresco" literally means fresh, in the sense of being naughty

4. Carnivalization of desire

4.1. sexual permissiveness and even sex positiveness=describe social relations in Rio

4.2. public flirtation is an elaborate and beloved game

4.3. anthropologists, historians, and feminists produced significant body of work about sexuality in Brazil.

4.4. feminist literature on sexuality was percieved to be too "sex negative"

5. Boys to Men

5.1. even if they are not blessed with material wealth, they have "good sex"

5.2. sex is perceived as inexhaustible, available, and free

5.3. considered unhealthy for men to go too long without sex; can provoke insanity

5.4. need to be knowledgeable and fulfill basic sex need

6. Chapter 7: Whats so funny about rape?

6.1. Rape- Laughter is truly inappropriate, offensive, and "out of place"

6.2. important to understand which pivotal details the humor is built and on which details suffering is felt.

6.3. legal system still hindered from hearing the perspectives of impoverished women due to class, gender, and sexuality

6.4. Humor- can only be understood in its place and in relations of class, gender, race, and sexuality

7. What is to be done?

7.1. middle and upper class need to address differential application of the rule of law

7.2. work in favor of human rights

7.3. support mothers like Gloria

7.4. have "good faith" sense of optimism, change in the laughter of these people

8. Weaknesses

8.1. Rio's gang culture: form of organized crime, lacks centralization and organization

8.2. Summarize cases of; gun control, child abuse, petty theft, adultery, murder

9. Threats

9.1. Social relations marked by exaggerated inequality, the poor experience police forces as part of the everyday violence in their neighborhoods

9.2. political activists look for support from religious groups; "false racial consciousness" religious movements providing few types of bodily protection

9.3. attractions of religious groups; offer a place to turn to and break from violence