One Big World

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One Big World by Mind Map: One Big World

1. Entrepreneurial Spitit

1.1. Micro-economic Drivers

1.2. Organizational Structure

2. Social Dimension

2.1. Consistency vs Pragmatism

2.2. Individual vs Group Oriented

2.3. Competitive vs Cooperative

2.4. People vs Results Centric

2.5. Rational vs Inspirational

2.6. Egalitarian vs Heirarchical

2.7. Internal Drive vs External Reponsiveness

2.8. Stability vs Dynamic Environments

2.9. Long-term vs Short Term stakeholder value

3. Core Issue: Should state nations have the power to limit the ability of virtual networks to be truly global in size and scope through a monopoly on what constitutes a monetary unit?

4. Land

4.1. Valuable

4.2. Imitatable

4.3. Rarity

5. Labour

5.1. Perception of Value

5.2. Symbolism

5.3. Politics

5.4. Human Reourses

6. Capital

6.1. Micro-Transaction

6.2. Monetary Policies of State Nations

6.3. Money as an abstract concept

6.4. Money-Laundering - What is it really?