Political Demography: The Banning of Abortion in Ceausescu's Romaniaby Erica Ngbeken
1. When?
1.1. 1966-1989
2. Where?
2.1. Romania
3. (December 1989) Ceausescu was assainated and a day after his death abortions were legalized. The abortion rate skyrocketed and because of the many years of propaganda and conditioning, many women were still resorting to illegal abortions, dying in the process. The implications by this social study reveals banning or criminalizing abortions doesn't work, as tragic consquences of alternatives are usually the end result.
4. (1984) Since the methods were not working, Ceauusescu punished childless women by taking money from their paycheck. People who assisted with abortions were liable to prison time or a fine depending on the situation. The general conditions of the country deteriorated due to the export of the countries agriculture making it difficult to feed the many children women were expected to have
5. (1970-1989)) Women resorted to various ways to not have children including illegal abortions or black market contraceptives. Unwanted children were being abandoned and dying of neglect. The recourse varied across social lines with the wealthy being in better positions to seek professional help.
6. (1966-1980) A series of progressive measures to encourage women to bear children were also put into effect. These measures included finanacial assistance, child-support, maternity leave, work portection etc. Women were encouraged to have at least four children. Women who had more and raised their children recieved recognition. Ceausescu's restricted abortions even further.
7. (1953) The Family Code, Law 4 in the Consitutions of Romainia stated that the state would protect marriage and the family through economic and social measures. It defended the interest of the mother and chold and would display special care for the upbringing and education of the young generation.
8. (1966)To combat population decline the Government banned abortions in1966. Abortions were prohibited except in cases of life of the mother, hereditary disease, rape, or if the woman was over over 45 and already had four children.