Procreation Stories: Reproduction, Nurturance, and Procreation in Life Narratives of Abortion Act...

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Procreation Stories: Reproduction, Nurturance, and Procreation in Life Narratives of Abortion Activists by Faye Ginsburg by Mind Map: Procreation Stories: Reproduction, Nurturance, and Procreation in Life Narratives of Abortion Activists by Faye Ginsburg

1. North Dakota

2. The People - The life stories that are used in text depict abortion as the main symbol which activists interpret and reorient their lives - opinions began to change which showed the researches they needs to view more aspects

3. Pro-life and pro-choice sides the members are primarily white, middle class, females

4. Typically made up of women who worked prior to having children and left work when they had their children.

5. Resulted in political struggle between abortion and motherhood which highlighted the large disruption in social order

6. Breakdown shows the american notion of gender and how they are being molded by female activists

7. Motherhood vs. Career

8. Abortion struggle demonstrates how reproduction is gives meaning and values within a specific time setting of cultural conditions

9. Debate of abortion to continue on both sides

10. - Fargo, North Dakota was the first free-standing Woman's Health Center facility in the state that publicly offered abortions - A right-to-life coalition and a pro-choice group immediately emerged against the clinic

11. Controversy and Resultants - Fargo clinic highlighted the struggles of abortion rights "contested domain for control over constellation of meanings attached to reproduction in America." - 1981-1983 of diversity in both pro-life and pro-choice groups - The diversity displayed how cultural definitions of the female life course and social consequences are selected, rejected, reordered, and reproduced in new forms