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Theories by Mind Map: Theories

1. Learning Theories

1.1. Cognitive Load (Wikipedia, 2013)

1.1.1. Implications on Education Cognitive Load helps maximize the potential for learning by ensuring students are learning within their limits, and in an efficient manner.

1.1.2. "...[D]uring complex learning activities the amount of information and interactions that must be processed simultaneously can either under-load, or overload the finite amount of working memory one possesses. All elements must be processed before meaningful learning can continue."

1.2. Connectivism (Wikipedia, 2013)

1.2.1. The creation of a network of connections. nodes

1.2.2. Social and cultural connections are essential in the learning process

1.2.3. Implications on Education Focusing on the networks the students create in order to facilitate and further knowledge. Using modern technology, such as social media and social networking to expand the learning students have available to them.

1.3. Constructivism (Wikipedia, 2013)

1.3.1. How learning is developed when incorporated with background knowledge and experiences.

1.3.2. Implications on Education Student's knowledge will be maximized when it is understood in terms of their own personal experiences, and previous knowledge.

2. Technology Theories

2.1. SCOT (Wikipedia, 2013)

2.1.1. Social Construction of Technology Technology is shaped by human interactions. Technology cannot be understood without a comprehensive understanding of social interactions.

2.1.2. Implications for Education The interaction between students and technology must be considered, in order to determine whether the technology will be an effective tool to transmit and develop the content, and whether the students will be able to use the technology efficiently. The resulting interaction of the students with the technology can be used to determine how effective the technology is in this particular application.

2.2. TPACK (Wikipedia, 2013)

2.2.1. Implications for Education TPACK allows the teacher to plan out the required knowledge in order to teach their lesson in the most efficient and appropriate manner.

2.2.2. TPACK outlines the knowledge which is required in order to provide students with a balanced learning environment. The balance being between: technology, pedagogical knowledge (how the teacher will teach the lesson), and content knowledge (what the teacher will be teaching).

2.3. Philosophy of Teachnology

2.3.1. Implications for Educaiton The implications for education, is that the teacher can explain and outline their beliefs, to whomever is interesting in knowing, why or how they plan to use technology. The questions can be answered, why are using this technology, or not using it? How will this benefit the student? etc.

2.3.2. Teachnology represents a teacher's belief on how and to what extent technology will be used in their classrooms. This provides the teacher's beliefs regarding technology, and outlines how they will be using technology throughout the year.

2.4. Media Ecology (Wikipedia, 2013)

2.4.1. Society is influenced by technology.

2.4.2. Technology not only influences society, it effects every aspect of life.

2.4.3. Implications for Education The lessons, and the classroom, are shaped by the technology used within the classroom.