Alcohol in society

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Alcohol in society by Mind Map: Alcohol in society

1. Discuss occasions where drinking is considered 'the norm" in Australian society.

2. Research and discuss the history behind Australia's drinking culture.

3. "Australian’s have historically enjoyed alcohol. Culturally, drinking has been seen as part of the way Australian’s celebrate success and good fortune. However, today binge drinking is having huge societal issues. Is it time that Australian’s gave their romance with alcohol some serious thought?"

4. Research crime statistics related to binge drinking episodes.

4.1. Expense of buying alcohol

4.2. Vandalism

4.3. Assault

5. Provide data related to the financial impacts binge drinking has personally and to the wider community.

5.1. Health System

5.2. Expense of buying alcohol

5.3. Vandalism

5.4. Inability to hold down employment

5.5. Police and local governments

6. Discuss why people drink and how they benefit from it. Provide testimonials from members of the public, discussing their personal experiences.

7. Provide statistics and studies related to the health issues associated with long term binge drinking.

7.1. Depression/Mental Health issues

7.2. Long tern health - Cancer, Liver Disease

7.3. Unprotected sex/STI's/pregnancy

8. Provide examples and case studies highlighting the effect binge drinking has on relationships and family.

8.1. Inability to hold down employment

8.2. Family income

8.3. Effect on children

8.4. Relationship breakdown

8.5. Abuse

9. Access articles and provide evidence of the effects of alcohol in the community.

9.1. Anti-social behaviours

9.2. Creates division among community members

9.3. Strain on community resources (Health, Police)