Laughter out of Place

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Laughter out of Place by Mind Map: Laughter out of Place

1. Masculinity and sexuality

1.1. Males are expected to "macho

1.1.1. As part of the expected ritual of turning a boy into a man, boys are encouraged and expected to become active seducers.

1.2. Its considered unnatural for men to go too long without sex because it can provoke insanity

1.2.1. Roberto,take Lucas, who turned 18, to visit a prostitute.

1.3. Male infidelity is normal not like but culturally accepted

1.4. Males takes advantage of women

1.5. Carnivalization of Male sexuality.

2. Females and Sexuality

2.1. Women are expected to maintain their virginity.

2.1.1. Gloria wanted her daughters to remain virgins for as long as possible because virginity guarantees that they do not become pregnant and bring another mouth to feed into her house

2.2. Young girls look for older men to establish security for themselves

2.3. Females are view as as sexual objects women

3. Sexuality and Local culture

3.1. In the local culture there is an open have an open and permissive view of sexuality

3.2. Metaphors about food and eating were are used to express ideas about sexuality.

3.3. Sexuality in Brazil is very liberating thus encouraging various forms of transgressive play".

3.4. Different theories on sexuality in Brazil

3.4.1. Sonia Alvarez -feminism

3.4.2. Peter Fry -male homesuality

3.4.3. James Green- Men with homoerotic desires existed prior to the Western European ideas.

3.5. In the context of sexuality sacanagem is more ambivalent than the negative aspects of transgression

3.6. Chapter

4. Chapter 7 - What's so Funny about Rape?

4.1. Violence as stories

4.1.1. Women tries to poison her husband Marillia put rat poison in her husband's drugs to make it appear as a overdose because he cheated and abused her

4.1.2. Sexual and Physical abuse is very prominent Both Gloria's daughter and niece were raped.

4.2. Class Discrinination

4.2.1. Lower class women have to prove they value their virginity in court cases featuring sexual violence.

4.3. Laughter out of place

4.3.1. Humor is used as a response to a legalsystem that is currently incapable of addressing the grievances of women.

4.3.2. Luaghter helps to ease he pain of sexual violence.

4.3.3. Jokes allow other to open up and communicate with one another about the sexual abuse

5. Chapter 6 - Partial Truths, or the Carnivalization of Desire