Nuestras mentes se reflejan...

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Nuestras mentes se reflejan... by Mind Map: Nuestras mentes se reflejan...

1. Tutorías 4to año B


3. Unidad en aula virtual

4. Aula CREA


5.1. Project Sponsor

5.2. Project Manager

5.3. Developers

5.4. Primary User Group

5.5. Supporting Staff

6. Prezzi

7. Etoys

7.1. Define Project Schedule

7.1.1. Dependencies

7.1.2. Milestones

7.2. Limitations

7.2.1. Schedule

7.2.2. Budget

7.3. Define Project Development Measurement

7.3.1. KPI's

8. mindmeister

8.1. Definition

8.2. Items to be Delivered

8.3. Extent

8.3.1. Included

8.3.2. Excluded

8.4. fg


9.1. TUTORÏAS con 2do año C

10. La cultura es como el azúcar; aunque haya poca da dulzor. Proverbio Catalán

11. web 2.0

12. Ceibal

13. Wordle

14. Calameo

14.1. Project Start

14.1.1. Project specifications

14.1.2. End User requirements

14.1.3. Action points sign-off

14.2. Development Stage 1

14.2.1. Define actions as necessary

14.3. Development Stage 2

15. Tagxedo

15.1. Schedule

15.2. Budget

15.3. Resources

15.4. Delays

16. Actividad Laberinto

16.1. Budget

16.1.1. Materials

16.1.2. Personel

16.1.3. Services

16.1.4. Duration

16.2. Delivery Timeline

16.3. Requirements

17. Google drive

18. correo electronico